Latest Comments by Kimyrielle
And so it begins, the Steam Summer Sale is here
23 June 2016 at 7:15 pm UTC Likes: 1

So Stellaris and Master of Orion cost the same now. :D

Which one to get? oO

XCOM 2 - Alien Hunters thoughts, prepare to get frustrated
23 June 2016 at 2:43 pm UTC Likes: 2

I am not sure why devs don't get that not all people want games to be insanely hard. And when even "Easy" is still anything but, something's wrong. "Easy" means "Don't challenge me, ever!!!", not "A little less frustrating".

A while back I got Remember Me because I liked the story and the fact that the game featured a strong female lead character for a change. I am not good at this sort of game, so I played it on Easy. All I wanted was to see the story. But no, I never really saw it. Like a third into the game, the bosses started to kick my butt so hard that I just couldn't beat them, not even on the easiest available setting. The game didn't have cheat codes either, so it went off my hard drive, because what's the point of a game you can't finish? I don't get the logic of frustrating players. If they set the difficulty to the lowest possible setting, it means a challenge is not what they are after.

I had no clue that XCOM is one of these games that love to frustrate players like that. It will get a kick from my wishlist.

Street Fighter V has passed the initial Linux & SteamOS release window
22 June 2016 at 7:34 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: dean36963
Quoting: t3gIf Valve is shifting focus away from SteamOS (in favor of VR), what makes you think developers and publishers are going to spend the extra effort if Valve is losing interest?
Maybe if Microsoft lock down Windows 10 and only allow distribution via their store and demand an unreasonable cut. Then developers might be interested! :P I doubt that'll happen though. There'll be an uprising with pitchforks if that happens!

That's pretty much the reason why they decided to push Linux in the first place. And I would be surprised if exactly this would NOT be Microsoft's long term goal. They are jealous of Apple completely controlling distribution and cashing in from literally every single piece of software sold for iOS. They are probably cursing themselves that they didn't lock down Windows in the first place. Yes, they know they can't just lock the door, of course. The transition will be very gradual. First the store will be optional (that's the present). Then they will offer some extra APIs or other goodies to applications tied to Windows Store (they will happen soon). And when they get enough market share they will announce that they no longer allow installation of software not from the store to protect people from malware. Something like that.

People don't seem to realize that the open PC platform was a fluke of history that would never, ever happen again. There is not a single type of hardware other than PCs that generally allows people to change the OS or install custom software not approved by the vendor.

A third of Valve now working on VR, still no Linux support
21 June 2016 at 2:53 pm UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTI don't give a d**n - who cares about VR?
Like, everyone? We live in the fucking future!
Seriously, people who don't even care about gaming care.

I will contest the "everyone" part by saying that I don't give a rat's behind about VR and know a lot of gamers who don't. For starters, it has absolutely no valid use case for the type of games I am playing (strategy, RPG). VR adds absolutely nothing to a lot of genres and not everyone is knee deep into shooters and racing games. Then, I generally hate first person view, and VR is the pinnacle of first person view. If a play a character, I want to -see- my character. Next, I dislike wearing things on my head (I don't even use headsets for gaming). And last but not least, I get sea sick really fast. Good enough reasons?

VR is one of these completely overhyped things that are likely to vanish really fast. Anyone remembers 3D TV? No? Apparently that was the future, like 5 years ago. Except it apparently wasn't. The larger they hype, the harder they fall. They haven't even figured out how to allow you to move around in VR worlds without making you throw up after 10 seconds. I am quite convinced that VR will find a niche for itself - with games designed for it from the ground up, but I would be totally surprised if it would become the mainstream revolution for all things gaming people think it will be.

On topic: My personal opinion about VR aside, I still think it's silly of Valve not to get Linux support into that thing ASAP. I realize that they have to get to the market fast because their competition is already there. But if they want SteamOS to become a thing, they just can't not support it with their own stuff.

An interview with Paradox Development Studios about supporting Linux
20 June 2016 at 3:06 pm UTC

Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: BaemirThese interviews are always so discouraging.
Really? I thought it was very encouraging, and Paradox is a great example to point to when the naysayers claim that supporting Linux is too difficult and unprofitable.

Heh, seriously. It shouldn't be surprising that we're a tiny platform, because we just are. The encouraging part is where great studios like Paradox support us anyway because they share our vision that Linux can and will be less tiny a platform one day. They wouldn't do it otherwise. They are still a business, not a charity.

An interview with Paradox Development Studios about supporting Linux
20 June 2016 at 5:25 am UTC

Paradox is probably my overall most favourite publisher. I love their games.

Titan Quest RPG could see a Linux version in future
18 June 2016 at 3:16 pm UTC Likes: 1

Sweet. Will be a guaranteed buy for me. With the sole (and sore) exception of Bethesda, RPG devs seem to be very Linux friendly these days. I like that! :)

Dell set to introduce beefed up Steam Machines
14 June 2016 at 1:58 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: Uncleivan"Dead in the water" lal

Today i experienced something that i wasnt used to in a very long time.

Im a strategy fan and i had to choose between master of orion and stellaris ; both are AAA titles and both are on linux stellaris won but im not used to having to choose ; in the old days there was one game to pickup not a multitude of them and thats a good indicator linux is in the good path.

Kiss my ass ars technica and mocosoft! Long live Linux!

Haha, seriously! Two years ago, I backed pretty much every Kickstarter pledging Linux support. Even if I didn't really care for the game. But just to show support to the platform and the (few) devs who chose to support it. Now? I can't remotely buy every Linux game that interests me with any hope to have enough time to play them all. The equivalent of first world problems! :D

Cities: Skylines - Match Day, a free DLC to add a Stadium to your city
12 June 2016 at 7:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

Do you have to put 10 police stations around each stadiums to prevent riots? :p

HITMAN looks like it's coming to SteamOS & Linux
9 June 2016 at 8:08 pm UTC Likes: 4

Stupid question, but do we know for sure that the Linux port will have the Always on thing? For all we know it could be a piece of Windows middleware that doesn't compile in Linux. Not that stuff like that ever happens. :D