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Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation inches closer to a Linux release with Vulkan
30 December 2018 at 7:47 am UTC Likes: 1

There are more Vulkan PC games atm then DX12. The real issue is developers being fixated on DX11 and refusing to move to Vulkan, even if there is a path to do so.

DX11 is likely to be the longest used and runner directx version of all pc history. We could be using it still in 10 years time. Developers just refuse to change.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation inches closer to a Linux release with Vulkan
30 December 2018 at 6:05 am UTC

Quoting: TcheyIt's funny, just before this article i bought it and tried to launch the game via Steam Proton, with different options based on other Linux users. Failed. Refunded.

Proton requires specific NTFS partition flags (if you intend to use it for storing your windows proton games), and open files settings otherwise MANY games will fail load. Some are fine without those things but its pretty critical and in the documentation, steam has yet to apply those settings for gamers.... probably why many people can't run stuff outside of whitelisted stuff.

Futuristic FPS Interstellar Marines is still alive with Update 28 to feature a new enemy
29 December 2018 at 7:26 am UTC

I do have this also,

I'd be more into a coop survival experience then PvP, this game was going to have a 4 player or so coop campaign that spanned the galaxy and had recruitment/jobs/skills if I remember correctly. It's a shame they didn't follow that original vision. (they went full PvP to start with, but people lost interest and they lost money).

Planet Nomads has another update out with new weather types and lots of tweaks
21 December 2018 at 8:21 am UTC

There is, subnautica was free on epic store recently.

The only thing unique with this game is some of its building and linking mechanics, their quite nifty and can allow for some elaborate vehicle designs, assuming it ever developers to that stage and doesn't become vaporware or release as a early unfinished alpha.

Planet Nomads has another update out with new weather types and lots of tweaks
21 December 2018 at 12:45 am UTC

I bought it on the premise that multiplayer would be a thing. While some may dislike multiplayer, you must remember that there are FAR better survival games out WITH multiplayer in them! Just keep that nugget of information in mind when rejoicing over Planet Nomads.

Some thoughts on Linux gaming in 2018, an end of year review
20 December 2018 at 12:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: LeopardIf Epic Store will be coming to Linux ( which i don't think so ) without a Proton like solution it would mean nothing.

Allot of Unreal based games can be made to run in Linux if the developers want. I think having a Epic Store that can launch its Linux games would be a good start, remember that not even GOG has release GOG Galaxy for Linux yet so for Epic Store to release before GOG would be a statement of commitment.

Not sure if Epic can or would fork Proton for their platform, adding some support for it couldn't possibly hurt.

Just when you think you can stop drinking, Wine 4.0 has another release candidate available
15 December 2018 at 6:07 am UTC

I wonder if wine works with mod organizer 2 and latest nexus now. Before they more or less worked interface wise but the mounting of the files was just not happening.

The Atari VCS team put out a post to talk about the Linux OS along with an open source project teaser
24 November 2018 at 6:10 am UTC

By spinning their own version of a distro, they can control the configuration and experience more so the troubleshooting is less of a issue. If you let people use just any old distro your going to get lots of issues.

So I can understand why they want to custom build a distro to suit the system and optimizing things, minimal problems down the line with users.

Feral Interactive are teasing a new Linux port, time to start guessing
15 November 2018 at 9:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

Proton is great but it starts becoming less attractive as you scale up resolution, perfect for 1080p and 1440p but to run 4k decently you need 2080TI which is in fantasyland with the inflated price tag.

It's a option between 40-45fps under Proton, or 60-65 fps under Windows, it's just unfortunate. I can't stand sub 50fps on average.

Feral Interactive are teasing a new Linux port, time to start guessing
15 November 2018 at 9:04 pm UTC Likes: 1

Early release of Cyberpunk 2077 for Linux only! YES, finally!!!

If CDPR did that we probably have rioting in the streets! lol