Latest Comments by F.Ultra
Canonical detail improvements the Steam Snap, work to advance gaming continues on Ubuntu
19 June 2024 at 10:09 pm UTC

Quoting: poiuzYour timeline does not work out. How could Canonical release Unity as a result of user backlash when it was released before GNOME 3 was released? Mate on the other hand was forked as a direct result of the GNOME 3 release.

Canonical was somewhat invested in GNOME development at the time and the design plans for what became GNOME Shell was announced already back in 2008 at the GNOME User Experience Hackfest in Boston and pre releases of GNOME Shell was relased in 2009.

Also the Unity released in 2010 was a pure shell on top of GNOME meant to be used on netbooks and wasn't planned to replace GNOME on the regular Ubuntu until the backlash of GNOME 3 so they brought it back and changed it for Ubuntu 11.04 in 2011.

Canonical detail improvements the Steam Snap, work to advance gaming continues on Ubuntu
18 June 2024 at 6:42 pm UTC

Quoting: pleasereadthemanual
Quoting: F.Ultra
Quoting: pleasereadthemanual
Quotesupporting externally downloaded .deb files
It still baffles me that a supposedly user-friendly distribution required you to use apt in the terminal to install .deb files until now.

Note that this is for the App Center that they introduced in 23.10, their previous app did support installing external .deb files from the GUI just fine.
I'm only speaking from experience; the last time I needed to try Ubuntu for the sake of documentation was 23.04 and I could not for the life of me figure out how to install a .deb file. When I double-clicked it, it would open up the software store and try to install the older one in Ubuntu's repositories. Maddening.

Strange, in 23.04 they used the GNOME Software Center and I routinely clicked on .debs to install them externally (though have to be said that the .debs that I installed externally didn't also exist in the repos).

Quoting: pleasereadthemanual
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualLike any GNOME purist, I completely disagree with the premise. GNOME is great even without extensions and I don't use any.
I'm sure that's true now, (for you and many others, even though I still disagree) but back in 2010, the original Shell beta was baffling and largely unusable unless you followed blogs that described the philosophy behind it.
I've heard stories. Not having a "shutdown" button was the one I remember, but I can't find sources for it.

Please, if you can find anything about dumb designs for the original GNOME 3, I'd love to see it.

I think GNOME has the best interface, hands down, but they need to catch up to KDE Plasma in terms of Wayland support, they need better multi-monitor support, and why can't they just get along with everyone else?

So I use both. And soon, COSMIC, hopefully.

Quoting: Purple Library GuyI think some felt that they were acting like it was intended to be one DE to rule them all, to "Unify" the Linux experience, and weren't enthused about that perceived attitude.
There's no pleasing some people. And Linux users are the hardest to please. Cynical by nature; pedantic by vocation.

Not sure how correct any of Linus's rant are here (I never used Gnome 3.x myself), but the Internet was not kind to Gnome 3 when it came out:

Linus Torvalds finds GNOME 3.4 to be a "total user experience design failure"

QuoteI only dislike the latest version of the GNOME Linux desktop, Linus Torvalds, Linux's primary inventor, hates it.

And that was for 3.4 what was the fixed version, imagine just how much was written when 3.0 came. It's the whole reason why MATE exists and for Canonical that up to then had been THE Gnome desktop they saw no other path forward than to create Unity, it was less of a NIH and more of a major user backlash.

Linus Torvalds would like to see a GNOME fork
A shiny new ornament for your Linux lawn: Ars reviews GNOME 3.0
GNOME 3: Shocking changes for Linux lovers

Linus came around in the end though: Linus Torvalds switches back to Gnome 3.x desktop

Canonical detail improvements the Steam Snap, work to advance gaming continues on Ubuntu
17 June 2024 at 7:04 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: pleasereadthemanual
Quotesupporting externally downloaded .deb files
It still baffles me that a supposedly user-friendly distribution required you to use apt in the terminal to install .deb files until now.

Note that this is for the App Center that they introduced in 23.10, their previous app did support installing external .deb files from the GUI just fine.

Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
12 June 2024 at 10:43 pm UTC Likes: 6

Quoting: Cato-the-youngerHow do people not understand that filing ridiculous lawsuits means that nobody takes them seriously. And the fact that people are able to file these lawsuits means nobody takes the legal system seriously anymore. Certainly why I dont take legal systems where this is allowed seriously, a view them as a joke

Edit: everyone knows these people are just trying to use the courts to make money off of valve. Companies who engage in patent trolling or litigation trolling should be forced to pay.

That is how the legal system works basically everywhere. The filing clerk does not make any judgment over the quality of the case at all, instead the defendant (if they feel that the case have zero merit) will ask the court to dismiss the case and then list the reasons to do so. Once this is done a judge will look it over and might decide to throw the case out without a trial if the reasons listed are valid and the plaintiffs have not successfully argued against them.

And that is how you _want_ the system to work, making the filing clerk the arbiter on what can and what cannot be filed is IMHO a dangerous road to walk down.

Also if the case is seen as being frivolous then the judge both in the US and the UK can force the plaintiffs to pay a penalty for it.

Max Caulfield returns in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
11 June 2024 at 8:17 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: stephenseiber420
Quoting: damarrinOh, that is lovely. I tried playing LiS2, but bounced right off it not far in. A return of the protagonist from the first one is very welcome.
making the little brother the primary antagonist was extremely stupid. and i dont mean he was the big bad guy no the little brother was the cause of alot of the elder brothers problems throughout the game. i also played lis3 and i didnt like 2 or 3. i here before the storm was bad too. so i think the studio is just "going" back to what worked. but dont understand why life is strange 1 was so good. i think they are gonna botch it too

Before the Storm and True Colors (which I assume you mean by lis3) was made by Deck Nine (American studio) and not by Don't nod (French studio) who made Lis1. Deck Nine is also the studio that is making Double Exposure.

Quoting: jensOh very nice, I will certainly keep this in mind. I could relate much better with her character than with Chloe from the Prequel (or Sequel, don’t remember). So much that I’m embarrassed to say that I only finished the first game in the series.

Chloe was the protagonist in the prequel (Before the Storm) and was Max companion in Lis1.

Quoting: Linas
Quoting: stephenseiber420
Quoting: damarrinI tried playing LiS2, but bounced right off it not far in.
making the little brother the primary antagonist was extremely stupid.
I completely disagree, LiS2 is a great game. The little brother is not an antagonist. The whole point of the game is that you, the big brother, shape the world views of the little brother. What you tell him and what you have him do throughout the game matters, and plays a big role in the finale, instead of being a binary choice at the very end, like it was in LiS1.

Yeah the main antagonist in Lis2 was life (or rather society) itself. Can also be why so many was turned off by it when you play the big brother that is basically FFL and many might not find that entertaining to play.

Atari acquires Intellivision brand and over 200 games
23 May 2024 at 9:42 pm UTC Likes: 8

Quoting: Linux_Rocks
Quoting: dpanterBut, how? Where are they getting the money from? Who keeps pumping money into this walking corpse?
Maybe they just make enough money from game sales and the like? I buy those Recharged games on the Switch, and I've bought some of their other stuff too. Along with one of those Bluetooth Atari 2600 style controllers. If I didn't already just use my Xbox Series controllers as my PC controllers, then I'd probably have bought their regular VCS controller for my PC.

They might be weird with their decisions at times, and also just seem like they throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. But I actually like a good lot of what they put out game-wise.

Quoting: basedKnowing their history, this made me lmao, buying Coleco next?
That could actually be a good thing to get some of the old Coleco games out in some form again. I wouldn't be against them buying those rights either.

If Intellivision and Colecovision games started popping up on that VCS, it'd be good for folks who bought one.
They have had a net loss every single quarter since march 2020 (about €-9M last year with a total sales of €10M).

As I understand it from their latest financial report they are basically running on loans, aka they have sold €30M in bonds which they somehow have to pay back in 2026.

Proton Experimental improves Halo Infinite, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and more
18 May 2024 at 7:31 pm UTC

Quoting: CatKiller
QuotePlus they're also now limiting the CPU cores seen by Call of Juarez: Gunslinger as well to make it playable on high core-count CPUs. They did the same fix for Command & Conquer and The Covert Operations in a previous Experimental update.

It's weird that this keeps cropping up as an issue. High core-count machines have been around for quite a while now, and dev machines tend to have more cores than gaming machines, so you'd think that this was the kind of thing that would be spotted and fixed by game devs themselves.

I don't see how the game devs would be on especially powerful machines, Ubisoft and EA is probably handing out the bare minimum they can get away with.

Anyway the game is from 2013 and while that is only 11 years ago the best selling CPU that year was a dual core and the highest core count on a top 10 list for 2013 is a quad core so I find it perfectly understandable that the game isn't optimized for 32+ core machines (the imposed new limit in proton for this game is 31 cores). Also games takes years to develop so whatever machines the devs used they bought much earlier than 2013.

Quoting: shadow1w2Weird I was playing Gunslinger last year, though it seems I used GE-Proton instead which I tend to hop over to if a game even twitches for a second but nice to see the old game getting some attention officially.

The new limit is 31 cores so perhaps you have fewer than 32 :)

Sony gives up on forcing PlayStation Network for Helldivers 2
7 May 2024 at 5:44 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: EagleDelta
Quoting: F.Ultra
Quoting: EagleDeltaI think we need to be careful here. During this mess Sony blocked over 170 countries from buying the game that contained users that already could buy the game. As part of this they have NOT reinstated sales in those territories. As some game devs, users, and streamers have noted - this is not "won" unless that is also undone.

Why? Because they can just bide time and try to enforce the login again, just this time without the bite of the pushback relating to users losing access as "those countries can't buy the game now".

out of curiosity, are those 170 countries also the ones where PSN doesn't exist?


However, it should be noted that an image of an email was sent in from a player who had trouble creating a PSN in a country where it does exist and Sony Support told them they had to buy a PS4 or PS5 to create a PSN account :facepalm:

Well that is lowest bidder support service for ya, nothing like having to explain to a company rep how their own products works :)

Sony gives up on forcing PlayStation Network for Helldivers 2
7 May 2024 at 1:30 am UTC

Quoting: EagleDeltaI think we need to be careful here. During this mess Sony blocked over 170 countries from buying the game that contained users that already could buy the game. As part of this they have NOT reinstated sales in those territories. As some game devs, users, and streamers have noted - this is not "won" unless that is also undone.

Why? Because they can just bide time and try to enforce the login again, just this time without the bite of the pushback relating to users losing access as "those countries can't buy the game now".

out of curiosity, are those 170 countries also the ones where PSN doesn't exist?

HELLDIVERS 2 will soon actually require a PlayStation Network account
4 May 2024 at 12:14 pm UTC

Quoting: Pyrate
Quoting: F.Ultraso if you happen to live in any of those countries you are now blocked from playing the game you bought.

I just want to say this is not true at all, as someone from an African country that's not South Africa, this is not news at all, it's always been that for any of these global services, you just pick US/UK/EU, or whatever region where you have access to that region's currency so you can buy stuff from the service etc, since no one will support your local currency, obviously, that's just the status quo here. Steam itself until very recently (November last year) didn't officially support MENA countries either. Yeah yeah lying about your region probably breaks TOS or whatever, that's never been forced in any service that I know of for us here. Just because Sony or whoever doesn't "officially" support our regions, doesn't mean there are no PS5s here or no userbase or that we're "blocked" from playing.

This is just to give everyone an idea of how things go here.

Ok, well to be fair then the possibility to loose your account over lying about your actual locations sounds similar to "oh you bought this game, surprise we now require you to have PSN account or it will stop working" which is something I didn't think would happen before this either.