Latest Comments by Philadelphus
What are you playing this weekend?
18 June 2016 at 7:36 pm UTC

I may work a bit more on my XCOM 2 run too, then probably some Team Fortresss 2, FTL, then who knows…maybe give Parkitect another spin, or something by Paradox…

The Dwarves trailer has me cautiously excited for this fantasy role-playing game
18 June 2016 at 7:28 pm UTC

Huh. Hadn't heard of this before, but it looks kinda interesting.

A new benchmark video shows Dota 2 with Vulkan performing better on Windows than Linux
15 June 2016 at 7:16 pm UTC

While yes, it's sad that Linux isn't besting Windows with Vulkan in the test, I think a more interesting comparison would be to see whether Vulkan is faster than DX12 on Windows. Because if it is there's hope we'll see more games using Vulkan instead of DX12, which means more games that can be more easily ported to Linux (or developed for it concurrently).

Sure, there will always be the ultra-hardcore gamers who prefer the absolute best performance, and we may not be able to get them to to switch over; but there are also all the not-so-hardcore gamers for whom availability of titles is a bigger issue, and if we can simply get more games on Linux—like, if Linux has 75% parity with Window—I suspect that would give a bigger boost to Linux than trying to woo the hardcore minority. Just my ¢2.