Latest Comments by Guppy
Some more site updates today, various sections changed
12 December 2016 at 7:36 am UTC

For those who don't understand the term, this is the pager;

changing pages causes the url to change and a new page to load.

The problem is that the page is identical,

Currently I've 1 unread notification and a whole pile of read ones - this gives my notification area 3 pages how ever the "&page=3" bit of the URL changes I still see the same 1 unread notification and the same X read.

Presumably the idea here is that you could bring up the older ones - this for me at least does not currently work

DoomRL or 'DRL' as it's now called has gone open source
9 December 2016 at 11:19 am UTC

Not far fetched - Christmas has a similar origin ( the winter solstice festival of jul - later renamed to mask the pagan connection).

Hell still is not officially post of Christianity, you can say a priest of you like. The main difference is duration as I understand it (hell being permanent)

Disclaimer: I am not a true believer, I just find the inconsistencies amusing

Some more site updates today, various sections changed
9 December 2016 at 6:36 am UTC

[BUG] The paging on notifications does notting at all

DoomRL or 'DRL' as it's now called has gone open source
9 December 2016 at 6:35 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GuestNext up: the Catholic Church sues Zenimax for infringing upon the concept of Hell.

Except the concept of Hell isn't a Christian concept ( they have purgatory ) it comes from the Ase faith ( eg Forn Sidr ) where it's directly derived from Loke's daugther Hel ( see )

I'm not trying to be offensive, but it is a tad amusing how supposed Christians can't even seem to get their faith straight :D

DoomRL or 'DRL' as it's now called has gone open source
7 December 2016 at 2:51 pm UTC

You might find it idiotic, but there is a fairly good reason why the lawyers are doing this.

1. You have to defend your brand if you want to keep it else you risk a summary judgement against you for not doing to when it 'matters' ( eg. when a large competitor uses your brand )

2. Their mooching off of tre doom brand dilutes it's value and may cause harm to the brand.

I doubt any one would batter if an eye if coca-cola squashed "coca cola: the refreshing rouge lite adventure", so I don't get why people are rushing to the defense of a game that obviously named it self after another larger game to attract attention.

New GOL site update released, read on for what’s new
7 December 2016 at 7:30 am UTC

For a site like this I wouldn't worry too much about doing continuous updating of the notification area - people tend to change pages often and close the site when not used, so there will be page loads enough.

Just do a single ajax request with page load to fill in user info {status, notification, etc} and you should be golden, doing it that way you can hard cache the rest of that page(varnish, filecache, etc).

At least that's what I did and it seems to work for ~6000 daily unique visitors ;)

Quern - Undying Thoughts, a puzzle game inspired by Myst released day-1 on Linux
6 December 2016 at 2:35 pm UTC

Quoting: Comandante oardoAnd.... No spanish support... No thanks..

A minority of a minority, can't be many games that satisfies your demmands.

If it's really that important you could always try and ask the developer if they want your help translating the game into Spanish. though I suspect that might ruin some of the game for you.

Engage in a battle of wits, luck and skullduggery in 'The Living Dungeon', now released for Linux
6 December 2016 at 7:04 am UTC

Well merry Christmas me :D

My only complaint is that the tiles looks awfully scifi for a fantasy setting, hopefully something that can be amended with a little texture hacking.

Still I think I'll buy a hand full of these as early Christmas presents, one though, does cross platform multiplayer work? I've a few friends who've yet to see the penguin shaped light.

Hardware maker 'Razer' has joined The Khronos Group to back open standards
2 December 2016 at 6:26 am UTC

Quoting: drmothDon't forget Razer also make computer systems and laptops!

Unless I am missing something here they dont "make" them they "assemble" them using other companies hardware - much like dell, so that's not any reason to join a hardware manufactures standardisation group.

This in contrast to OSVR - which is why that was mentioned in the article ( of course I'm not the author but I am guessing that is why ;) )

What one game would blow your mind if it came to Linux & SteamOS?
1 December 2016 at 2:51 pm UTC Likes: 2

At this point my mind is thoroughly blast proof when it comes to Linux ports.

But if Santa were to stuff Dishonored ( or shooting for the stars Dishonored 2 ) into the Linux stocking I'd be a very happy camper