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Latest Comments by iiari
PlayStation 3 emulator RPCS3 has the May report out, amount of playable titles continues increasing
15 July 2019 at 5:38 am UTC

Quoting: Whitewolfe80The pace is so impressive hanging on in there for the last of us to be fully playable only game i miss from the ps3 library.
I've been told that "The Last of Us" is one of the best gaming experiences ever, so I'm waiting for that to be playable as well before dipping my toes into this emulator... I do back it on Patreon, though...

NVIDIA releases the GeForce RTX 2060 and 2070 "SUPER" GPUs, along with a new Linux driver
9 July 2019 at 6:48 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Xpander
Quoting: Comandante ÑoñardoThe RTX 2060 SUPER should be called RTX 2060ti...

agree, but i think its because they can't make another 2080 Ti :)
Hey, don't you think 2080 TiTi (i.e. 'tie'-'tie') has a nice ring to ie? :)

Quoting: XpanderSuper is such a stupid name though. but whenever i see that name, somehow the voice of SuperHot (Game) level completion comes into my brain :D
I was thinking the same thing!!! That game ruined the word "super" for me forever... BTW, I bought that during the Steam sale and while I can't see myself playing it a ton, it's SO well done, and perhaps the only game I've ever played that truly made me feel like a Jedi-Matrix level superhero...

3D platformer Marble Skies has left Early Access, multiplayer is coming
9 July 2019 at 4:11 pm UTC Likes: 1

I bought this and am really enjoying it. A very strong entry....

Tannenberg and Verdun both get gamepad support, plus some helpful balancing changes
9 July 2019 at 4:10 pm UTC

Quoting: Patola
Quoting: Sojiro84And now I am the owner of both of these games. I have spend way way to much on this Steam sale.
We both did. At least it helps Valve monetize to fight off Epic Games.
That's what I tell myself too... GOL should do a "What have you bought in the recent Steam/GOG sales thread."

I love these games, BTW. VERY atmospheric, and not much like it on Linux. I do wish they hadn't shrunk the maps a bit since EA, I like them more open, but to each their own...

10 years ago GamingOnLinux was created, what a ride it's been
5 July 2019 at 1:49 pm UTC Likes: 2

Gamingonlinux.com really IS gaming on Linux! Congratulations, and our deep thanks for everything you folks do for Linux gaming.

A look over the ProtonDB reports for June 2019, over 5.5K games reported to work with Steam Play
4 July 2019 at 1:52 pm UTC

Quoting: DesumThat's a bit of a nightmare scenario. Tell me, how are we supposed to get assets for OpenMW from Morrowind basically being remote controlled by you on someone else's computer? You can't. I shudder to think how many games are going to be lost if the public ever does hop on the steaming bandwagon. You are giving away ALL of the leverage you have as a consumer. Not to mention the fact that whether or not you consider games "art" or not, they ARE cultural artifacts that NEED to be preserved. And we can't trust these companies to do that.
The gaming archival issue is absolutely one that needs to get tackled, and your points about asset access and ownership have been widely discussed and acknowledged as well. But, as I addressed in my post, I think there are going to be parallel gaming communities for a long time, decades at least. Just as we now have real books and e-books, and we still have DVDs and Netflix, and you can still buy CDs/records and Spotify, gaming will go the same way. I mean, people are still making new Amiga games! While I still think casual gamers (not necessarily the people on this site) will be mostly cloud gaming in 10 years, a hardcore niche will absolutely still exist in parallel, it might just not be the biggest gaming demographic. Or some people will have their streaming account and their hardcore machine both.

My hope is during those decades of parallelism the issues you discuss will be worked out. In theory, cloud gaming could be a huge advance for modding if desired, as everyone having the exact same mod assets on their individual computers will no longer be necessary. Something like the Steam Workshop would be even easier.

Event Horizon - Frontier will have you continually upgrade and defend a space station
3 July 2019 at 6:41 pm UTC

Quoting: Guestthe UX is a bit wonky, sorta touch screen oriented style of UI.
I think the mobile version of this (and there is one) has been out for a bit. Makes sense...

A look over the ProtonDB reports for June 2019, over 5.5K games reported to work with Steam Play
3 July 2019 at 6:40 pm UTC

[quote=Purple Library Guy]
Quoting: iiariWon't matter if you're running Windows, Linux, Mac, or FreeBSD, long as you got a browser and plenty speed on your interwebz you can rent games. So, well, that'd be one barrier to entry gone at least.
That's the appeal, yes. I did the Google test with Assassin's Creed Odyssey and it played very well. Felt like any other game on my computer. Save for split, fraction of second dependent competitive e-sports, I think most other types of gaming will be great on streaming cloud services...

A look over the ProtonDB reports for June 2019, over 5.5K games reported to work with Steam Play
2 July 2019 at 6:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: MohandevirStill, I think that there is going to be an offering for those that prefer gaming on a local machine for a couple of console generations.
Oh, absolutely. DVD's didn't overtake VHS overnight, and Netflix/Amazon/HBO streaming didn't overtake DVD's overnight. Many people out there still listen to their records and CD's and watch their DVD's. We'll have our standard way for playing games for a long time still, decades likely, and they'll be niche hardcore gaming that we'll want on our metal. But I think 10 years out the majority of casual gaming will be cloud/streaming... And it'll be on Linux.