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Latest Comments by Alm888
Looks like Cosmic Star Heroine could have a Linux version soon
30 July 2017 at 4:53 am UTC Likes: 3

So, they basically ran Kickstarter campaign several years ago, developed the entire game exclusively on Windows, not even checking Linux compatibility once, released the game and only after 3 months he (the "coder-guy" ) finally graces us with his first Linux install of the life.

They seem to be professionals of the highest caliber! "Promise now, deal with it later" at its best! Keep your fingers crossed that they didn't use some Windows-only plugins, like… you know… Obsidian (hello capes!) or Antagonist (Through the Woods.

The Witcher 3 didn't come to Linux likely as a result of the user-backlash from The Witcher 2
4 July 2017 at 8:02 am UTC Likes: 6

Wow!!! Thirteen pages already! The game is 2 years old and pretty much "water under the bridge" already, yet, the discussions are as heated as ever!

My personal opinion:
1) No Tux == No bucks;
2) Never pre-order;
3) eON, indirectX, toGL etc. ports are still wrappers no better than WINE, so at least they should perform better than WINE itself in order to not being useless garbage;
4) A company (literally any company, even big ones) releasing a port several years later should not sell it for full release price. Bargain bin is the place those ports should belong;
5) Small number of Linux users is no excuse to either outright lie about port quality or have "Eat what's been served, swine!" attitude. Every job must be done proper, if you can not do it, then don't do it;
6) People saying Linux users "should come off the high horse and start appreciate what we have", "get a slap of reality"; that "beggars could not be choosers" -- all those "advisers" should mind their own business and stop teaching others of what to do and what to think, thank you very much;
7) All mentioned above is no excuse for personal insults, death threats and such. Those are very grave crimes and should be dealt accordingly on a "case by case" basis. One person should not be held responsible for all society.

Thank you for your time. ^.^

STASIS, the point & click horror game is now officially available for Linux
28 June 2017 at 1:11 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: liamdawe
^ That's a feature for a reason.
Sorry, my bad. It is a magic how "Internet-aware" people get accustomed to filtering certain things on certain places (like not paying attention to page sides, headers or in this case, "something between posts", because that's where advertisement usually is). This button simply blurred in my vision. :-( Will use it from now on.
Quoting: liamdaweAlso, there is British English and American English, so languages is correct.
Different dialects, maybe. But not languages. Besides, there are a lot more of those: "Australian English", "New Zealand English", "Scientific English", "Legal English", "Patent English" and, most important, "Internet English" which we all are using. :D

STASIS, the point & click horror game is now officially available for Linux
28 June 2017 at 12:53 pm UTC

"non-English languages"…
Like there are "English languages" (i.e. English somehow became a category)…
Sorry to be a "Grammar Nazi", but I think "languages, other than English" would be more appropriate.

Still no word on DRM-free release?

SteamOS has another new beta with a newer Kernel and updated Mesa
16 June 2017 at 7:13 am UTC

So, it seems Gaben appreciated "Windows 10 S"! "Hedgehog is a proud bird: it won't fly if not kicked!"

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night shows off some action in a new trailer
11 June 2017 at 8:24 pm UTC

Quoting: ShmerlIs that real? Quite surprising indeed.
Well, they demonstrated the blow absorption at the beginning of the video…
From what I heard only jousting armor was so unwieldy that knights could not saddle a horse in it without external support, actual combat armor were lighter. And on top of that while heavy indeed, it had rational weight distribution on the whole body so all those 35+ kg as armor is not the same thing as 35+ kg in the hand or as backpack.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night shows off some action in a new trailer
11 June 2017 at 8:10 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: ShmerlConsider some characters making rolls and other acrobatic moves in heavy plate armor(!).
Not that far from reality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q

GOG Connect adds more games, plus a huge summer sale now on
6 June 2017 at 7:03 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ShmerlDo you? You'll get same response from Steam, if you use Arch. Or more likely you won't get any response altogether. I don't personally use Ubuntu, but I don't expect them to troubleshoot distro specific issues either. They have officially supported distros and that's where you can expect support in case it's needed.

That's besides the point. I was not stupid enough to tell them "Hello, I'm using Fedora…". Instead I checked and made sure that the problem was universal for all distros and actually pointed out that Ubuntu is affected. Moreover, I told them how to fix it: just bundle those libs and append the PATH in the start script; I know they make those installers themselves (GOG came out with a stupid idea to bundle Galaxy installer in every installation package!) and not rely on developers. Everything was basically presented on a silver platter. Their response? "Use Ubuntu"™

Quoting: ShmerlStuff like libcrypto and etc. was removed from Debian testing, and I had to manually fix that. But it's not GOG's problem if developers link against outdated libraries. It's developers' bug. I'd report it to developers to begin with if you want to have it fixed actually.

It is more of the "Game Maker" problem. All those developers are hardly programmers, even less so "Game Maker" gurus. They just used 3rd-party engine (without access to its source code) so they are in no better position than any of us. Ideally, we need to reach out to "Game Maker" devs, but for all those games already using outdated version of the engine… Meanwhile, bundling libs may be a crude solution, but it at least solves the problem. And "Use Ubuntu"™ does not!

GOG Connect adds more games, plus a huge summer sale now on
6 June 2017 at 6:42 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: ShmerlTheir Linux support is good, they actually react to bug reports if they can do anything about it.

Objection! Their Linux support is useless and almost in-existent. Every time I asked for help their response was "Use Ubuntu"™.

Everyone knows "Game Maker" games have unsolved issues with "libcrypto.so.1.0.0" and "libssl.so.1.0.0" which are unavailable even on Ubuntu (there are 1.0.2 versions instead which are NOT compatible with "Game Maker" ). It was pointed out to them multiple times. What did they do? "Use Ubuntu"™

"This War of Mine" is not working for more than half a year? "Use Ubuntu"™

GOG team is sure to talk the talk when it concerns "top-quality user support", but is unable to walk the walk, as it seems. Linux GOG community, on the other hand… I found solutions to all my problems precisely there!

Quoting: ShmerlThe main problem with GOG so far is not some lack of support, but lack of attention from developers / publishers, who don't bother to release Linux versions there even if they do it on Steam.

Like it is our problems! If GOG wants to become something more than a "Witcher Store" or "antique shop", it needs to take action and not just sit on its "fifth point" waiting for developers to notice it. Valve invests in Linux porting ("toGL", port of "Source Engine", agreements with Feral etc.); meanwhile GOG (or "CDProjekt" in general)… does what exactly?

Geneshift, the brutal top-down shooter with vehicles has released into Early Access
24 May 2017 at 4:19 am UTC

"…released into Early Access…" :) How low have we fallen…

IMO, the game is either gets a "release", or "paid alpha-test" (AKA "Early Access").