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The latest horror from Frictional Games with Amnesia: Rebirth is out now

By - | Views: 27,587

Frictional Games have now released their latest horror title with Amnesia: Rebirth, as you walk in the shoes of Tasi and guide them through an emotional experience.

Using the same game engine as their previous game SOMA, which they call HPL3, Amnesia: Rebirth is a horror game that focuses on the journey as much as the end. It's all about the narrative and sinking into the thick atmosphere, Frictional say to not go in aiming to beat it but rather to immerse yourself in the world. Rebirth has a direct connection to Amnesia: The Dark Descent, however it's a fully stand-alone experience so you don't actually need to have played any others.

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In short, what is it? Feature highlight:

  • Explore environments and uncover their histories. In this first-person narrative horror experience, no location is like the others, and each is filled with mysteries and secrets for players to explore.
  • Overcome challenges that stand in your way. You will encounter a wide and varied number of mysterious contraptions and physics-based puzzles. 
  • Carefully manage your limited resources, both physical and mental in order to stay in the light and keep your fear under control
  • Encounter horrific creatures and use your wits to escape them
  • Incredible cinematic sound design that will make you feel inside the game's world
  • Don't let your fear consume you. Stay out of the dark, avoid horrific sights and control your panic or suffer long-lasting consequences.

Unfortunately, my key came in only the night before release and i discovered severe graphical problems in the Linux build on my desktop so I have been unable to review it at this time. Our livestreamer has also verified many major graphical issues. Frictional Games are aware as we've messaged them over email. We will be livestreaming it on our Twitch Channel and reviewing it in our usual way as well as soon as we can. We're really excited to give it a proper go once it's fixed up. Will keep you posted on that.

The actual launch on Steam was a bit rough too, as they managed to miss giving everyone the correct files to actually play it, thankfully they managed to solve that relatively quickly. Somehow though, they then nuked their Steam page and it vanished. Steam's admin panel isn't exactly straightforward though, I don't blame developers for getting confused on it.

You can buy it now on GOG and Steam

If you missed it, the last two Amnesia games recently had their game engine open sourced!

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Raaben Oct 20, 2020
Sadly the linux release seems to be a mess. I expected alot better from Frictional and their history of Linux support. I can barely get it to launch and can't get it to fullscreen properly, let alone start a game to see the graphical issues.

Hopefully they'll at least be on the ball fixing things. I'm hoping to be able to go at this over the weekend.
Avehicle7887 Oct 20, 2020
Game looked fine for a few minutes, that is until I got out of the plane and walked a few paces. Hopefully they'll sort out the issue quickly. The game scales beautifully at 3840x1080 and I'm really looking forward to play it.

This is with an RTX 2060S and 450.56.11 drivers:

Will give it a run with my AMD GPU system.

Last edited by Avehicle7887 on 20 October 2020 at 5:17 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Oct 20, 2020
They've confirmed the issues, and hopefully a fix within a day or two

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 20 October 2020 at 6:14 pm UTC
whizse Oct 20, 2020
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Complete mess

It uses legacy OpenGL features, but seems to use a core context. Needs to be run with MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.6COMPAT, and even then you get errors like these:

QuoteMesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glBindVertexArray(non-gen name)
Mesa: 14624 similar GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGenerateMipmap(incomplete cube map)
Mesa: 4 similar GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glBindVertexArray(non-gen name)
Mesa: 1720 similar GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGenerateMipmap(incomplete cube map)
Mesa: 4 similar GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glBindVertexArray(non-gen name)

Another issue, at exit the window disappears quickly, but the game process seems to take 10-15 seconds longer to exit (sometimes it hangs) meanwhile keeping your cursor hostage.

Last edited by whizse on 20 October 2020 at 5:30 pm UTC
Comandante Ñoñardo Oct 20, 2020
OpenGL in the era of Vulkan?
At least they support Linux, unlike big studios.
drlamb Oct 20, 2020
No luck here with AMD, all I see upon starting the game is a brown rectangle. I was really looking forward to playing this today.

Edit: whizse's solution works for me as well. Fedora 33 - Mesa 20.2 - Kernel 5.9. I'm now almost two hours in and have noticed no issues graphically or performance wise.

Edit 2: Nevermind. The fortress is where the graphical bugs started for me.

Last edited by drlamb on 21 October 2020 at 6:37 pm UTC
Avehicle7887 Oct 20, 2020
Got better luck with AMD, the game is *a bit* more playable but stutters and freezes a lot on in a few areas, issue occurs when looking at a specific direction. Terrain at least doesn't disappear like with Nvidia so I managed to get a bit further, still though, I'll wait for the first patches to land before going in, it's unplayable in its' current state.

Here's the game running on Mesa 20.2.1 and RX 5500XT

Quoting: Comandante ÑoñardoOpenGL in the era of Vulkan?
At least they support Linux, unlike big studios.

I expected the worst when I saw OpenGL but this game runs surprisingly well. Screenshot above is on max details at 3840x1080 and with an i5-4590 / 8GB Ram.
DrMcCoy Oct 20, 2020
Yeah, got the same glitches with the flickering/disappearing plane once outside, with nvidia
DrMcCoy Oct 20, 2020
Hmm, seems to be related to a screen effect that comes in when being overheated?

And when exiting the game back to the main menu, the screen is black until I hit the F12 to let Steam make a screenshot, only then the main menu appears again and I can properly quit the game. And yes, the windows hangs around for another 10 seconds or so.
BloodScourge Oct 20, 2020
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Thanks whizse, MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.6COMPAT seems to do the trick for me on Arch Linux with Mesa 20.2.0, Linux 5.9.1 and an AMD Radeon RX 580 8G. The only thing remaining is the 30 seconds black screen on exit.
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