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Now that the Steam Deck is available without reservation, and the official Steam Deck Docking Station has released, it appears a lot of people were waiting on Valve for docking.

As of writing this, on the Global Top Sellers list, the Steam Deck Docking Station is currently at number 5, showing that quite a lot of people are buying it when you take into account that it's up against big hitters like FIFA 23 (and the price difference there is reasonably small too).

Only a few days ago, it was sat at the number 2 spot so while it's not selling as much a few days later, it's clearly holding some ground so a lot of people are buying it.

My own official Steam Deck Docking Station should arrive Friday, so I'll be letting you know when I think about it during next week after I've had some quality time with it.

Have you picked one up or are you going with something like JSAUX or ivoler?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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gradyvuckovic Oct 12, 2022
I'd have bought one by now too if it was available in Australia. Sigh.
Spyker Oct 12, 2022
I currently have a jsaux, but I will order the Valve one. I'm not happy with Jsaux's design and the fact it blocks a little bit the Deck's air inlet.
Ardje Oct 12, 2022
I would have bought the jsaux. But the fact that the steam dock is upgradable using steam os is very important. So now I will get a steam deck dock.
I've seen enough crappy devices to know that a good device is half the USB problems. Especially since USB used to suck on linux when it comes to devices that did not follow spec, or that time that de USB host driver writers interpreted the spec wrong.
Mohandevir Oct 12, 2022
The Steam Deck Dock is interresting, but I'm wondering if a Steam Deck with a protection Shell will fit, into the seating?
Zer0Cool Oct 12, 2022
I'm not surprised. Its the only dock that : comes with display port 1.4(the others all say they have 1.2 IF they have it at all), lets you do firmware updates without windows, comes with a charger line real laptop/computer docks do so you can leave it in one place without having to plug and unplug.

plus is priced decently ,in line with laptop docks. i do have a jsaux dock i got the cheapest one to tide me over, but when my steam dock gets here today i aint gonna use it anymore unless its for travel.
const Oct 12, 2022
I Just printed out a nice stand with wood-filamen and attachted a nice hub with lots of connectivity to it. Couldn't be happier.

Last edited by const on 12 October 2022 at 3:06 pm UTC
BlackBloodRum Oct 12, 2022
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Quoting: Zer0CoolI'm not surprised. Its the only dock that : comes with display port 1.4(the others all say they have 1.2 IF they have it at all), lets you do firmware updates without windows, comes with a charger line real laptop/computer docks do so you can leave it in one place without having to plug and unplug.

plus is priced decently ,in line with laptop docks. i do have a jsaux dock i got the cheapest one to tide me over, but when my steam dock gets here today i aint gonna use it anymore unless its for travel.
Another thing to note is that it is also probably a higher build quality (the other docks are out to make a quick buck) and it has that those all important Valve, Steam & Deck logos on it. Which for a collector makes a world of a difference.

Oh, and the cherry on top: Supporting the valve dock directly supports Valve, a company that is making almost "day 1" AAA titles on Linux a reality!

I really really dislike proprietary software and everything it stands for. But even I will make an exception for Valve/Steam, simply because of all the things they've done for us that has greatly benefited GNU/Linux in so many ways.
tfk Oct 12, 2022
Docking operation complete.
WorMzy Oct 12, 2022
Mine is arriving tomorrow, although I mostly use my Deck to stream video from my Desktop (minidlna to vlc), so I'm not sure the dock will see much use.
KohlyKohl Oct 12, 2022
Waiting a little while before I order one
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