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The point and click adventure genre is not only alive and well, it's positively thriving. Rosewater is another one that looks fantastic and the demo got a big refresh. Coming with full Native Linux support from Grundislav Games, it joins a list of exciting upcoming or recently released adventure games like Return to Monkey Island, Foolish Mortals, Zid Journey and Lucy Dreaming.

Francisco González of Grundislav noted on Twitter the demo update that included hand-painted backgrounds and rotoscoped animations, along with voice-acting from a great sounding cast was now in the Linux (and macOS) demos. So time to give it a look if you haven't yet?

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Game Features:

  • A thrilling treasure hunt with 5 travel companions. Choices matter, relationships with your companions affect the trajectory of the story.
  • Inventory is back, but logical, streamlined, and easy to use—no banging things together to see what sticks. Many situations have multiple solutions based on play style.
  • Randomized encounter storylets on your journey, with different situations and outcomes that depend on your previous choices and available resources.
  • Fully rotoscoped animations and cinematic closeups emphasize the action.
  • High resolution 1280x720 graphics (yes, that's 720p!)
  • Full music score by Lamplight City composer Mark Benis, featuring live instruments.
  • Meet over 50 professionally voiced characters.

Try out the new demo on Steam. You can also follow it on GOG.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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tuubi Oct 20, 2022
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I'll skip the demo. Grundislav's past work is enough to guarantee a place on my wishlist.
Eike Oct 20, 2022
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Quoting: tuubiI'll skip the demo. Grundislav's past work is enough to guarantee a place on my wishlist.

Same her.

Although... if the demo is not part of the full game, I'd play it. Anybody knows?
Sslaxx Oct 20, 2022
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: tuubiI'll skip the demo. Grundislav's past work is enough to guarantee a place on my wishlist.

Same her.

Although... if the demo is not part of the full game, I'd play it. Anybody knows?
Yeah, the demo is essentially the first act of the game.
Plintslîcho Oct 22, 2022
I'm really looking forward for this game. An Adventure game with a Western setting? Heck, yeah!
Purple Library Guy Oct 22, 2022
Quoting: PlintslîchoI'm really looking forward for this game. An Adventure game with a Western setting? Heck, yeah!
Well, there's already West of Loathing.
tuubi Oct 22, 2022
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Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: PlintslîchoI'm really looking forward for this game. An Adventure game with a Western setting? Heck, yeah!
Well, there's already West of Loathing.

That's an excellent comedy RPG right there, but I don't know if it fits the adventure game genre very well.

There are a few oldies like Gold Rush and Al Lowe's Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist. Then there was 3 Skulls of the Toltecs, which I never played but remember seeing somewhere. I think that one might have had a couple of sequels as well. Oh and Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine is slightly less ancient, but still very old.
Klaas Oct 22, 2022
Runaway has a western town part. That's the only adventure I remember playing except Freddy Pharkas that touches the theme.
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