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AYANEO confirm their Linux-based AYANEO OS arrives this year

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AYANEO, maker of some pretty popular gaming handhelds, announced that their own Linux operating system for their devices will be released this year. While we've seen others looking to the public release of SteamOS 3 that powers the Steam Deck (like GPD and OneXPlayer), AYANEO seem to want to "do a Valve" and have that extra level of control directly.

On Twitter their announcement was quite simple noting:

AYASpace will be upgrade and improved and also AYASpace 2 is under development which will be released in 2023 !
What's more,  new feature "Community" will be added to AYASpace APP.

Even more exciting, AYANEO OS goes live in 2023 as well 🥳
Expect official news announced soon ~

When they previously talked about the Linux-based AYANEO OS, they said "AYANEO team loves games and game consoles as well. In the process of creating the best Windows handheld in the world, they found that the existing operating system in the new form of PC handheld still has many poor experiences, and even some problems that we can't be solved. In order to allow everyone to enjoy the game and the handheld hardware better, AYANEO has launched the AYANEO OS, which is based on the Linux system and developed exclusively." and they mentioned clearly they would be using Proton too.

They recently finished their IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign for the AYANEO 2 and the GEEK model, both of which come with an AMD Ryzen 6800U. They had 2,680 people give over their monies to help fund them, with their IndieGoGo now switching to in-demand which is basically like another way to pre-order the devices. So while successful for AYANEO at $3,157,147 currently in total, it's an absolutely tiny fraction of what the Steam Deck has sold which was over a 1 million units back in October last year (that was even before launching in some Asian regions).

If I hear any more, I'll let you know.

2023 is clearly the year of Linux gaming handhelds huh?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mr-victory Jan 18, 2023
Hard to trust without any development/testing ISOs or source code.
hardpenguin Jan 18, 2023
Quote"do a Valve"
gaboversta Jan 18, 2023
Looks like I will soon have to decide whether I actually want to collect every handheld gaming thingy that comes with linux out of the box…

I probably won't the steam deck is great. If they want to win me over they will have to make some pretty compelling arguments.
Vardamir Jan 18, 2023
Well, things are moving in the right direction.
Btw, I was wondering, if Linux is not already the most successful gaming platform. If you count Android, it might already be. Does anybody have numbers on the market share for gaming devices?
Mohandevir Jan 18, 2023
One more device offering running Linux ootb can't be a bad thing. Personnally I'll stick with Valve, though.
slaapliedje Jan 18, 2023
Ha, so first we take over the consoles, THEN we take over the desktop?
Gustash Jan 18, 2023
I wonder if they'll also have a desktop session out of the box, like the Steam Deck
Klaas Jan 18, 2023
I wonder if they have enough resources to make something useful. They might be better off with a SteamOS fork.

The SteamOS version used by the Steam Deck still has some rough edges and they've worked on it quite a long time and Valve has a lot of money to throw at problems.
Purple Library Guy Jan 18, 2023
Quoting: slaapliedjeHa, so first we take over the consoles, THEN we take over the desktop?
Somehow it feels like nailing Al Capone for tax evasion. Which is to say, seems kind of weird and sideways, but if it works . . .
Pengling Jan 18, 2023
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Quoting: slaapliedjeHa, so first we take over the consoles, THEN we take over the desktop?
Quoting: Purple Library GuySomehow it feels like nailing Al Capone for tax evasion. Which is to say, seems kind of weird and sideways, but if it works . . .
I'm gonna show my age a bit now, but back in the days of the 8-bit home-micros in the UK, it was always gaming that helped to drive the adoption of home-computers and related technologies. I don't see why it should be any different here.
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