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The survival game Grounded from Obsidian Entertainment and Xbox Game Studios has now released version 1.2 and it got bumped up to Verified on Steam Deck.

As I reported previously during the Beta, the developers managed to fix up the issues that were causing the game to not run and even with workarounds the Xbox login was still a mess. All those issues were solved and it really is looking pretty great on Steam Deck now.

See their update video below:

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The Steam Deck fixes include:

  • The game now boots past the initial loading screen.
  • The Xbox log-in window properly displays.
  • Tuned the default graphics settings for Steam Deck to provide an enjoyable experience. Also includes some Steam Deck-specific optimizations.
  • Steam Deck virtual keyboard pops up when selecting any input text field in the game (entering a multiplayer game password, naming your trail marker / storage, pet, etc.)
  • Control prompts no longer flip flop between displaying gamepad and mouse/keyboard controls when using the touch pad or gyro.

You can see my previous video of the 1.2 Beta below:

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Grounded will be having a Free Weekend on Steam as well from April 27th until May 1st, so you'll be able to check it out on Steam Deck and see all the fancy new stuff too.

For Linux gamers on desktop, sadly it still won't run out of the box. However, to get it to work all you have to do is remove or rename the SpeechSynthWrapper.dll file found in the Grounded/Maine/Binaries/Win64/ install folder. You can find the installed folder in Properties -> Local Files / Installed Files and hit Browse. Here's a shot from it running just fine after that on Fedora KDE 38:

You can buy Grounded on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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tgurr Apr 25, 2023
Yea nice ... The same "fix" they use(d) for Pentiment, shipping an extra depot on Steam Deck with a 0kb SpeechSynthWrapper.dll: https://steamdb.info/depot/962134/. Wonderful times for the Linux Desktop seeing vendors implementing Steam Deck specific hacks.

Update: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/wine/pull/188

Update 2: Still glad seeing vendors actually caring for the Steam Deck though, didn't want to sound more negative than intended, I just don't like the trend we're seeing here.

Last edited by tgurr on 25 April 2023 at 7:26 pm UTC
mamiller Apr 25, 2023
Grounded is a game with an interesting concept, but in my opinion it has far too little content
ExpandingMan Apr 25, 2023
This kind of thing makes me super nervous. The idea that 10 years from now, yeah sure we'll have linux gaming but this means SteamOS and all other distros are worse off than they are today, is quite scary. Valve might be a temporarily benevolent monopoly but they are still a monopoly, at some point they will pivot from helping us to screwing us.
StoneColdSpider Apr 26, 2023
For a game called "Grounded" there are a quite a few flying enemies.....
benstor214 Apr 26, 2023
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Is this yet another one of these single-player games you need, for some reason, an online account for?
pter Apr 26, 2023
Quoting: benstor214Is this yet another one of these single-player games you need, for some reason, an online account for?

Single player doesn't require an xbox/microsoft account, but multiplayer does. After about ~3 hours I got my daughter running on her desktop this weekend. She only wants to play with friends. The blank login screen was a bit of a non-starter for her. We tried to blindly fill it out, but wasn't completing as expected. Proton-6.21-GE-2 that helped older versions of the game didn't make a difference for us. We finally found replacing two files from latest chromium (v112) did the trick, adjusting for non-deck pathing:

Quote...copying out libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll from the Release folder of the latest Windows 64 bit minimal archive found here: https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/index.html. You have to replace the copies in the folder /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Grounded/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/CEF3/Win64


The login is a one-time thing... exhausting all the same.
hardpenguin Apr 28, 2023
Quoting: tgurrWonderful times for the Linux Desktop seeing vendors implementing Steam Deck specific hacks.
I could see this coming from a mile away.
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