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Roblox support returns to Linux with Wine

By - | Views: 52,018

After the recent news that Roblox was playable in Wine again with their special Beta channels, it seems they've now enabled Roblox to run in Wine on the stable version making it really easy to get Roblox on Linux.

There's been no announcement that I can find yet, but testing it myself today after lots of reports came in — yup, Roblox is now working just fine without a Beta.

Probably the easiest way to run it is with Vinegar, a Wine wrapper for Roblox. You can just install it from Flathub (or Discover on Steam Deck in Desktop Mode), make a configuration file in terminal to set it to Vulkan and then you're good to go after that:

mkdir -p ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/ && { echo "[player]"; echo "dxvk = false"; echo "renderer = \"Vulkan\""; } >> ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml

Screenshot showing Blox Fruits, a very popular game based on One Piece that at time of writing has 440,814 active players. Roblox is easily one of the biggest platform for games around, so it's good to see it working so easily on Linux now.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linuxer Aug 28, 2023
umm im sorry but why is this mess again necesarry mkdir -p ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/ && { echo "[player]"; echo "dxvk = false"; echo "renderer = \"Vulkan\""; } >> ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml

why cant there be a button to click that say set vulkan :/
Liam Dawe Aug 28, 2023
Quoting: Linuxerumm im sorry but why is this mess again necesarry mkdir -p ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/ && { echo "[player]"; echo "dxvk = false"; echo "renderer = \"Vulkan\""; } >> ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml

why cant there be a button to click that say set vulkan :/
I'm not entirely sure why Roblox itself doesn't have a simple thing to change it. Googling around, even Windows users have to make a config thing to change it too last I checked.

The command is quite simple to understand though:
- Make a directory for the config file (mkdir)
- Add text to a file (echo >> file name)
Kimyrielle Aug 28, 2023
It didn't work for long enough to make my daughter lose interest in it.

theannoyingfruit Aug 28, 2023
Any idea why it runs like garbage for me on opensuse tumblweed? It stutters a lot when running around and just doesn't give me a stable framerate.
Gavinx2031 Aug 29, 2023
Quoting: sprocketStill won't allow my kids to play this.

While it is a issue on the platform, I dont see why you would ban your kids from playing it. The issues outlined are mostly developer related. And cases where pedophilia happens is very rare to a normal user just playing games.

I would just suggest letting your kids play it, just monitor their online activity and ban them from using communication apps like Discord, as thats where the majority of the pedophiles reside. Now im not a parent but it seems a bit excessive to completely ban roblox because of mind you 3rd party developers underpaying their staff. Thats a management issue on the 3rd party developers part, not roblox. While they could enforce rules on fair pay, its just not their job to do that.
sprocket Aug 29, 2023
Quoting: Gavinx2031
Quoting: sprocketStill won't allow my kids to play this.

While it is a issue on the platform, I dont see why you would ban your kids from playing it. The issues outlined are mostly developer related. And cases where pedophilia happens is very rare to a normal user just playing games.

I would just suggest letting your kids play it, just monitor their online activity and ban them from using communication apps like Discord, as thats where the majority of the pedophiles reside. Now im not a parent but it seems a bit excessive to completely ban roblox because of mind you 3rd party developers underpaying their staff. Thats a management issue on the 3rd party developers part, not roblox. While they could enforce rules on fair pay, its just not their job to do that.
Roblox Corporation themselves are complicit in the exploitation and misrepresentation. Their entire business structure is centered around tricking children into thinking they can make it big, and all the while taking their money and locking them into their Robux ecosystem (company scrip, but for kids!).

Frankly, we have enough of a problem with adults wasting money on gacha games, including some AAA titles. We do not need kids anywhere near this.

Last edited by sprocket on 29 August 2023 at 12:45 pm UTC
Beryesa Sep 8, 2023
Seems to be broken again
gamercat25 Sep 10, 2023
I use Grapejuce and it works completely fine with no errors other the only thing that doesn't work is studio.
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