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W4 Games raises $15M to help push Godot Engine

By - | Views: 41,204

W4 Games, the company set up by Godot Engine veterans Juan Linietsky, Rémi Verschelde and Fabio Alessandrelli, along with veteran entrepreneur Nicola Farronato just received a rather large sum of funding.

Announced in a blog post today it mentions they've raised $15M in "Series A funding" from a mixture of sources including "OSS Capital and Naval Ravikant (AngelList and AirChat co-founder). Other investors include Justin Hoffman (Ex Elastic), Larry Augustin (Ex SugarCRM), Alex Atallah (Co-founder of OpenSea), Thomas Dohmke (CEO of GitHub), Diogo Mónica (Founder of Anchorage Digital), Scott Williamson (Ex GitLab) and more notable founders and executives in the commercial open-source ecosystem".

This is a pretty impressive sum to me, but this kind of money actually gets thrown around a lot. It's notable to us here at GamingOnLinux though since this money will go into pushing the free and open source Godot Engine.

What will they be using the funding for? W4 Games plan to more than double their staff over the next 18 months, and they will use all of it to "strengthen our role within the Godot ecosystem by supporting its open-source development and continuing to build products and services to facilitate Godot’s expansion, such as W4 Consoles (an approved middleware console porting solution for Godot games) and W4 Cloud (multi-tenant service to support millions of users)" along with expansion plans across North America, Europe, and Asia and a new Godot education program.

Naturally, these type of investments depend on W4 Games having a business plan for long-term profit, since the people and companies that invest will want a return on it. With W4 Games' work on getting Godot Engine supported fully on consoles (which they can't have in the main open source code due to the secrecy of console companies), and the increasing popularity of Godot — it should be interesting to see what happens.

What are your thoughts on this?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mZSq7Fq3qs Dec 7, 2023
Pengling Dec 7, 2023
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Fab news - it really looks like Godot is going places!

Quote(which they can't have in the main open source code due to the secrecy of console companies)
The only pity about it is this, which is no fault of the Godot/W4 folks, since it comes across as a bit rich when the likes of Nintendo and Sony use open code for some products. Perhaps that's just me, though?
ElectricPrism Dec 7, 2023
These posts always get me excited at the prospects of getting the Professional Toolbelt strengthened, Blender, Krita, GoDot, (The numerous video editors), and seeing developments like this make me happy too ( )
Mountain Man Dec 7, 2023
What game currently use Godot?
sonic2kk Dec 7, 2023
Quoting: Mountain ManWhat game currently use Godot?

The two biggest ones that I am aware of are Brotato and Cassette Beasts.

Last edited by sonic2kk on 7 December 2023 at 11:57 pm UTC
Pengling Dec 7, 2023
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Quoting: Mountain ManWhat game currently use Godot?
They've got a Showcase page on their website, including a list of games and some videos. I'm guessing that it's not exhaustive, though, since there's a link at the bottom so that devs can apply to be listed there.
fagnerln Dec 8, 2023
It would be nice if W4 invest in some integration of ads on godot (yeah, f*ck me right?), it's possible to use with plugins, but it's far from what Unity has.
Shmerl Dec 8, 2023
Secrecy of console companies is such a total dinosaur of an idea.

It would be nice for Godot to compete with the likes of Unreal Engine.

Last edited by Shmerl on 8 December 2023 at 6:00 am UTC
Termy Dec 8, 2023
Great news, Godot really deserves broader adoption! :D

Quoting: fagnerln(yeah, f*ck me right?),

Indeed - i mean: what the fuck?!
RonDamon Dec 8, 2023
It seems that the market is worries of the UE5 near-monopoly. This is good.
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