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Slay the Spire 2 announced by Mega Crit for 2025

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Mega Crit have announced Slay the Spire 2 during the Triple-I showcase, a game that no doubt will be exciting for many with how great the first is. You've got a good while to wait though, as it's going to be hitting Early Access in 2025. Good things come to those who wait though, as they say.

"Civilization has waited 1,000 years for the Spire to reopen its doors...
Return to the Spire and face friends and foes in this sequel to the quintessential roguelike deckbuilder. How high will you ascend... and what truths lie at the top?"

Check out the reveal trailer:

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More about it:

  • Deckbuilding Galore New slayers join the fray with their own sets of cards, mechanics, and personalities. Try out more archetypes and master them at your own pace. The Spire forever awaits those who dare challenge it...
  • An Ever-Changing Spire The Spire isn't what it used to be. Encounter all new enemies, events, and treasures await as the rooms and items you discover change each time you play... Try risky builds or play it safe as you explore countless different strategies, find yourself in peculiar scenarios, and confront the Bosses of each Act.
  • New Ways to Play! That aren't yet announced...
  • Rebuilt from the Ground Up - Slay the Spire 2 was completely rewritten from the ground up in a new game engine! We're bringing in modern features, incorporating all-new visuals, and expanding moddability.

Worth noting that Mega Crit became a sponsor of Godot Engine, so it might be developed with it. They did say it was now their engine of choice. Update: they confirmed to IGN it is using Godot.

You can follow it on Steam.

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pb Apr 10
So the whole hyped Triple-I Initiative was all about announcing a few sequels and DLCs, am I missing something? Zero excitement for me, but then again, I don't watch or care for Triple-A announcements/events, so I guess I'm just not the target audience.
Well, nice to see the Merchant is still doing well for himself. No mention of the engine specifically, but presumably this is where they switched from Unity to Godot after the debacle last year. And I hope those "new ways to play" include native co-op multiplayer this time instead of needing mods.
GetBeaned Apr 10
Quoting: pbSo the whole hyped Triple-I Initiative was all about announcing a few sequels and DLCs, am I missing something? Zero excitement for me, but then again, I don't watch or care for Triple-A announcements/events, so I guess I'm just not the target audience.

What did you think it was going to be? They advertised it pretty heavy as a quickfire showcase of upcoming games, indie games at that, not AAA.
Nezchan Apr 10
I see the Ironclad and the Silent as usual, but I'm not sure about the skeleton. Not sure if the Defect and the Watcher are going to be back, or replaced with entirely new characters this time around.
pb Apr 10
Quoting: GetBeanedWhat did you think it was going to be? They advertised it pretty heavy as a quickfire showcase of upcoming games, indie games at that, not AAA.

Did they? Dunno, I only saw the hype about the upcoming "initiative", but yes, I had a hunch that it was going to be just a way to promote indie games. Turned out to be even less than that.

Last edited by pb on 10 April 2024 at 8:18 pm UTC
Nezchan Apr 10
Quoting: GetBeaned
Quoting: pbSo the whole hyped Triple-I Initiative was all about announcing a few sequels and DLCs, am I missing something? Zero excitement for me, but then again, I don't watch or care for Triple-A announcements/events, so I guess I'm just not the target audience.

What did you think it was going to be? They advertised it pretty heavy as a quickfire showcase of upcoming games, indie games at that, not AAA.

Prince of Persia is an odd fit though. Not sure how "indie" a Ubisoft game can get.
Quoting: Nezchan
Quoting: GetBeaned
Quoting: pbSo the whole hyped Triple-I Initiative was all about announcing a few sequels and DLCs, am I missing something? Zero excitement for me, but then again, I don't watch or care for Triple-A announcements/events, so I guess I'm just not the target audience.

What did you think it was going to be? They advertised it pretty heavy as a quickfire showcase of upcoming games, indie games at that, not AAA.

Prince of Persia is an odd fit though. Not sure how "indie" a Ubisoft game can get.
Oops! Drat, that was a misspelling. It was supposed to be "Prints of Persia", the indie cult favourite fingerprint-matching game.
Well anyway, a "Slay the Spire" sequel is one of the few sequel games I'm rather looking forward to.
Nezchan Apr 10
Quoting: Purple Library GuyWell anyway, a "Slay the Spire" sequel is one of the few sequel games I'm rather looking forward to.

The trailer for Wizard of Legend II is a huge turn-off. And I'm not really a fan of changing the art style either.

It's great that StS2 isn't going down that road.
Phlebiac Apr 11
Broken Roads looked interesting, but Steam reviews suggest otherwise...
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