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Latest Comments by Mambo
hexceed is a free hexagonal Minesweeper out now for Linux
26 July 2022 at 11:00 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: belisamaI love this game! The settings panel for rebinding the controls doesn't quite work on the Linux version yet (it appears to not be registering the mouse), but if you're okay with the default controls it's great. (I'm not, I like swapping the right and left mouse buttons, so I went back to running it on Steamplay, which is also great!)

I think it's just poor design of the bindings editor that disallows reusing existing bindings, making it hard to swap; assigning an unused key first gets around the restriction.

If you still can't get it to work, add the following line:

<pref name="RebindOverrides" type="string">eyJiaW5kaW5ncyI6W3siYWN0aW9uIjoiUGxheWVyL0NsZWFyU2FmZUhleCIsImlkIjoiMGIxOGEzMDMtMzU1Zi00Yzk0LWJhMzktZWE2ZjgyMzNhZTQ4IiwicGF0aCI6IjxNb3VzZT4vcmlnaHRCdXR0b24iLCJpbnRlcmFjdGlvbnMiOiIiLCJwcm9jZXNzb3JzIjoiIn0seyJhY3Rpb24iOiJQbGF5ZXIvUGluSGV4IiwiaWQiOiI2ZGIzNzY3NS1jYjdjLTRmYWQtYjRiZi03MjRjMGI4NWQ5NWEiLCJwYXRoIjoiPE1vdXNlPi9sZWZ0QnV0dG9uIiwiaW50ZXJhY3Rpb25zIjoiIiwicHJvY2Vzc29ycyI6IiJ9XX0=</pref>

after the <unity_prefs version_major="1" version_minor="1"> line inside .var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.config/unity3d/ToastieLabs/hexceed/prefs (assumes flatpak Steam, otherwise use .config/unity3d/ToastieLabs/hexceed/prefs). This is base64 for {"bindings":[{"action":"Player/ClearSafeHex","id":"0b18a303-355f-4c94-ba39-ea6f8233ae48","path":"<Mouse>/rightButton","interactions":"","processors":""},{"action":"Player/PinHex","id":"6db37675-cb7c-4fad-b4bf-724c0b85d95a","path":"<Mouse>/leftButton","interactions":"","processors":""}]}

Humble have a Stand with Ukraine Bundle with 100% going to charity
19 March 2022 at 4:37 pm UTC Likes: 6

Quoting: RandomizedKirbyTree47Is there an easy way to see which of these games have Linux-native support, aside from manually clicking on all of them?

Yes, now that the bundle is on ITAD (is there any deal)

Blender 3.0 is out now with a visual refresh, huge new features
5 December 2021 at 7:45 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: 14I can't wait for an updated doughnut tutorial.

Already here!

Classic run and gun game C-Dogs SDL 1.0 adds support for Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny
23 August 2021 at 2:58 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: EikeWonder if they're using Simple DirectMedia Layer... ;-)

Yes, see the project history:

It started out as a SDL port of a freeware game, made after the original author open-sourced it.

Ludusavi seems like a pretty good open source game save backup tool
3 February 2021 at 4:44 pm UTC

I've already fixed a few errors causing some saves to blow up in size by including game data as well.

du -ch --max-depth=1 ~/var/backup/ludusavi |sort -h

For games with overly large backups, find a discrepancy between OSes in ~/.config/ludusavi/manifest.yaml
For example, the "os: linux" selector may be less precise; or, to the contrary, the "os: windows" one may be less precise (it is still use by default, see the `backup.filter.excludeOtherOsData` setting).

Then, make the paths more specific on
There's some more detail about the infoboxes here:

The filters manifest seems to be rebuilt nightly (around 0-2 UTC); use the `--try-update` flag to refresh it.

Futuristic, mysterious, full of physics and circuits - puzzle game The Long Gate is out
25 September 2020 at 7:38 am UTC

Quoting: scaineI was just commenting recently on another thread that The Witness was a similarly disappointing game that just dumps you onto an island full of incredibly repetitive puzzles with similarly bizarre spikes of difficulty. The Long Gate looks even prettier and appears to have more variety in the puzzle elements, but I completely agree - without some motivation or world building, it's really hard to keep momentum with these games.

I'll stick it on my watchlist and I might end up buying it as an afternoon's distraction, even if I don't come anywhere near completing it.

The Witness certainly worked for me, but I think that's because it does use, ahem, gating to teach its mechanics.

You can stumble on something you don't understand early on, but you do get gradual progressions close to the beginning of dedicated areas, and I can see a lot of thought and play-testing went into it.

Valve have a new Beta installer for the Linux Steam Client for the brave tester
28 March 2020 at 10:58 am UTC Likes: 2

I'll try this, but I'd prefer if they tried to work from within Debian/Ubuntu nonfree repos, sticking closer to distribution policies.

For example,
- Debian and Ubuntu have sensibly split the udev rules into a DFSG-compliant (free software) package. Follow their lead, and go further by getting the rules integrated into systemd/udev
- The steamdeps script is an unused and unloved way to work around normal package dependencies. No wonder it's buggy. Admit it and get rid of it.

The Humble Choice bundle is up for January with 12 games to pick from
5 January 2020 at 9:48 pm UTC

I dropped Dirt Rally 2.0 and Street Fighter V for being expensive DLC fests, at 145€ and 524€ respectively.