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Latest Steam Client Beta fixes Linux and Steam Deck issues, tweaks screenshots
12 March 2024 at 7:40 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: SoulprayerBut still, XFCE, i3wm and other similar tiling window managers are having massive problems with Steam at the moment.
I don't see any problems on Xfce.

Adventure Mode for Dwarf Fortress enters Beta on April 17
10 March 2024 at 7:52 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: TruckStopSantaClaus
Quoting: jo3fisWow keeps getting better and better. I have been trying to hold off buying it but it's getting more difficult.
totally should, You can even play it in ASC11
American Standard Code for 1nformation 1nterchange?

GE-Proton 9-1 brings a whole lot of fixes for Linux / Steam Deck gaming
9 March 2024 at 4:07 pm UTC

Quoting: fenglengshun
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: fenglengshunAs usual, Trails fans just show up in random places just to show that they're everywhere and they're dedicated despite 'niche' that game is.
Turn based JRPG is a niche? I thought it was still a decently popular genre with lots of fans.
Trails is relatively niche compared to Tales and even Atelier series, I'd say. It's getting more popular, especially thanks to Cold Steel being an easy entry point, but it doesn't change that it's a 10+ games of continuous story. The only other games I know that's similarly one long unbroken storyline are Ys (which is also the same company) and Rance series (which is even more niche outside of Japan).
Ah, you're talking about the popularity of this particular game series, not the whole genre.

It seems like at least both Trails in the Sky and Trails of Cold Steel (couldn't be bothered to check the rest) have sold about as many copies as the most popular Atelier games. So I guess by your definition, Atelier is just as "niche". The Tales series seems to appeal to a wider market.

GE-Proton 9-1 brings a whole lot of fixes for Linux / Steam Deck gaming
9 March 2024 at 3:10 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: fenglengshunAs usual, Trails fans just show up in random places just to show that they're everywhere and they're dedicated despite 'niche' that game is.
Turn based JRPG is a niche? I thought it was still a decently popular genre with lots of fans.

Yuzu agrees to pay Nintendo $2.4 million and will entirely shut down (Citra for 3DS too)
5 March 2024 at 6:02 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: tuubiWell that's a stretch.
I don't understand what you mean.

Quoting: tuubiYou might as well compare piracy to car theft. We're talking about crime after all.
That doesn't help me in understanding. I'm really talking about license violations (e.g. using Linux without providing the source code).

I'm saying that downloading and privately playing (not sharing, not selling) a copy of a game from the internet is not the same as doing something completely different that breaks the terms of a license. It's a false equivalence.

Note that I'm not advocating piracy. I'm not partaking in it either. I was simply "thinking aloud" about the ethical implications. And I'm regretting it already. I haven't seen a fresh argument on the subject in years.

Yuzu agrees to pay Nintendo $2.4 million and will entirely shut down (Citra for 3DS too)
5 March 2024 at 5:08 pm UTC

Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: tuubiI don't see how. Downloading or sharing open source software doesn't violate its license.
We're talking about "piracy" (i.e. license violations), so obviously by using it in violation of the license.
Well that's a stretch. You might as well compare piracy to car theft. We're talking about crime after all.

Yuzu agrees to pay Nintendo $2.4 million and will entirely shut down (Citra for 3DS too)
5 March 2024 at 4:08 pm UTC

Quoting: poiuzWouldn't this argument legitimate all open source license violations?

I don't see how. Downloading or sharing open source software doesn't violate its license.

Yuzu agrees to pay Nintendo $2.4 million and will entirely shut down (Citra for 3DS too)
5 March 2024 at 10:42 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: redneckdrowOutright piracy of a game still commercially available is theft, no matter how you slice it.

Legally it is, yeah. But ethically... maybe?

In case you download something you'd have bought otherwise, or sell copies of someone else's property, sure it's theft. However, if you weren't going to pay for it anyway, then what? How can it be theft if nobody loses anything? Or if it actually has the effect of increasing sales, as shown by the famous EU studies on the subject of piracy. But never mind, this topic has been discussed to death already.

5 years later Valve finally gives Windows compatibility tool Proton a logo
29 February 2024 at 8:00 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: melkemindBut at the end of the day, you can't look at corporations as people with good or evil motives because they have neither. The only motive is profit.
For the purpose of judging motivations, you should look at corporations as the people who own and lead them. They're the ones with agency. A corporation is just an abstract concept.

The fact that these people are more or less expected to seek profit without concern for ethics (at least as far as they can get away with) is irrelevant. If an action would be unethical for a person, it's unethical for a corporation.

Stealthy platformer Kiyo in need of Linux testers
27 February 2024 at 7:08 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: ShabbyX
Quoting: emphy
Quoting: mitridas
Quoting: Liam DaweI think it's more that just saying it's a "Proprietary engine" by itself isn't really a selling point, it doesn't really explain anything and to most people it won't really mean anything.

And no, no one expects games or the game engine to be open source at all.

Yeah, I guess it's true that to most people it wouldn't mean anything, but to other gamedev nerds like me it will :)
We might reword it to "Custom engine", and move it to a different section of the description to make it clearer.

May I suggest the term "in-house engine"?

That would properly convey that you made this "engine" thingy yourself (with the implication that many others don't), even to the most clueless of clueless. Custom could still be a modified third party engine, after all.

As for the play-test, just obtained access and I may even find the time tonight to take a peek ^_^

+1 to in-house, that's the right term!

"Bespoke engine" sounds fancier!

Good luck with the game @mitridas! It looks fun. Thanks for supporting Linux.