Latest Comments by KohlyKohl
Linux on the Apple M1 takes another step closer with Ubuntu working thanks to Corellium
21 January 2021 at 12:48 am UTC

Quoting: LinasRunning Linux on Apple hardware has always been a quirky endeavor. Every time I try it, there's something uniquely non-stadard and almost compatible, but not quite. Then it would randomly forget which drive is a boot drive, mess up NVRAM, or something else to ruin the day.

In my experience it is just not worth the hassle.

I have Linux running on Apple hardware and it still amazes me how different the experience is depending on the distribution used.

Even something like Ubuntu vs KDE Neon which in theory should be the same somehow isn't.

The best Linux distros for gaming in 2021
9 January 2021 at 9:43 pm UTC

Quoting: Breizh
Quoting: KohlyKohlManjaro for new users? Really? They purposely break important packages for various reasons. Recently, they even broke the Steam package. This was the final straw for me and why I moved back to KDE Neon.

If you want to recommend a bad user experience for new users then by all means recommend Manjaro. If you want new users to have a positive experience then recommend Ubuntu.

I already did and for now, concerned users are satisfied, with no problems. On the other hand, Ubuntu with Gnome is more and more slow, Snap is enforced with the problems of disk space, integration (locale and theme are often broken), and Ubuntu have still the same eternal problems of drivers that I never had on Manjaro.

In the worst case, Xubuntu have the advantage to be faster, and you can easily remove Snap (the standard Ubuntu use Snap even for the software center or the calculator…). Or Linux Mint. But Manjaro still the best, even more since the packages break you mention are now rare (I talk only about the main versions : XFCE and KDE (never tried the Gnome version). Community versions are still often broken…).

I used the KDE version and it broke all the time for me. I didn't even use the AUR and packages would still break all the time. The worst part of this? The developers knowingly broke packages and didn't care.

In my experience, and I've been doing this since '93, if you recommend a distro like Manjaro to new users they will eventually run into the problems that I did. And when they do, they will go back to Windows because they will not know how to fix the problem (When the package manager broke on me earlier this year it took me 3 days to fix it properly an no new user is going to want to do this).

All distros have issues but in my experience every single person I've had install Ubuntu has stayed with it and not gone back to Windows. I cannot say the same for other distros.

The best Linux distros for gaming in 2021
30 December 2020 at 3:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: BreizhI think that Manjaro can progressively replace Ubuntu (and not only for gaming) since it’s more stable than a few years ago. And that’s already what we can see (<troll>for example here: </troll>)

Because of some Ubuntu choices (like Snap enforcing recently), and because of the 6 months or 2 years upgrade vs rolling, I now recommend Manjaro for new users.

Manjaro for new users? Really? They purposely break important packages for various reasons. Recently, they even broke the Steam package. This was the final straw for me and why I moved back to KDE Neon.

If you want to recommend a bad user experience for new users then by all means recommend Manjaro. If you want new users to have a positive experience then recommend Ubuntu.

Check out our exclusive Linux demo of the RTS 'Liquidation - Echoes of the Past'
7 November 2020 at 3:47 am UTC

Not too bad. The units are hard to distinguish and stats would be nice.

Not sure I like the name. Maybe it needs craft in the name

bpytop might be the freaking-coolest way to monitor your Linux system
15 October 2020 at 6:24 pm UTC

I prefer the original, bashtop, since it doesn't use Python...

Looks like Total War Saga: TROY is still coming to Linux in 2021
12 October 2020 at 8:51 pm UTC Likes: 1

Feral support for Linux appears to have slowed way down. I wonder if they are moving away from Linux and more towards IOS/Switch?

Dell announce new XPS 13 laptop models, will support moving from Windows to Ubuntu
29 September 2020 at 1:12 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Comandante ÑoñardoThey must include good pre-installed Linux games.

Like minesweeper and pinball?

Linux gaming optimization kit 'GameMode' has a new release up
12 September 2020 at 3:59 pm UTC

This is cool and all but the lack of a notification that it started keeps me away from this.

Story-driven, tactical stealth game Desperados III is now available on Linux PC
3 September 2020 at 12:20 am UTC

Not sure if I'll like it or not. Saw there was a demo so I'm going to try it out tonight.

The demo is the windows version but does work if you remove all of the videos from:

Desperados III Demo/Desperados III_Data/StreamingAssets/bootup/

A little round-up of Gamescom news for Linux PC fans
2 September 2020 at 1:26 pm UTC

Quoting: gojulLooks that Feral has forgotten us, sadly. :-(

I wonder if someone else will come along and fill their void?