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How Steam Computes Linux Sales
13 December 2014 at 11:41 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Beta VersionIf i buy a game, put it in inventory and after 7 days gift it to my friend which uses Windows - will it count toward Linux?
Yes, if you don't mind cheating...

How Steam Computes Linux Sales
12 December 2014 at 11:33 am UTC

Quoting: MamboI think there are a few more things that could be clarified:
- what happens if I play a game that isn't marked as Linux compatible in the store, but does have a Linux depot or a beta branch which I'm trying out?
As already suggested in the comments, if you buy on Linux and then play a Linux version (full or beta branch available) or not play at all (including no Linux version available), it probably appears as a Linux sale.
Quoting: Mambo- what happens if I buy, activate or play using steam-on-wine? Giana sisters twisted dreams, for example.
A Windows sale, most probably. Wine emulates Windows, Steam over Wine reports itself as if running on Windows.

How Steam Computes Linux Sales
11 December 2014 at 8:05 am UTC

Quoting: CheesenessI haven't yet found anybody who's been able to confirm that that first week platform assignment figure is even viewable in the Steamworks stats stuff (I am asking around though and will report back with what I come up with), but either way, developers/publishers can see and probably rely on stats beyond the stuff that the article talks about.

If you're able to find out the details, please report back, that would be very interesting.

How Steam Computes Linux Sales
10 December 2014 at 1:15 pm UTC Likes: 9

Quoting: dubigrasuSo, what if I buy Skyrim on my Linux and just leave it in my account? (no playing no nothing)
Will this count as a Linux sale although is a Windows only game? :)

Actually, there are some indications that it really does :-) Stanley Parable's developer claimed on the forum he could already see some Linux purchases, even though there's still no Linux version available. But this use case is most probably very rare. But yeah, it seems to work this way. On the other hand, it sends the message "even though I run on Linux, I'm willing to buy and play a Windows-only version of this game" (i.e. Wine or Windows in dual boot), so I'm not sure whether it incentivizes developers to provide a proper Linux version.

How Steam Computes Linux Sales
10 December 2014 at 1:11 pm UTC

Quoting: EikeNow that's interesting!

About the sales counting for Linux, it seems you can "heal" a Windows buy by playing on Linux - wouldn't recommend that, though.

Yes, but it needs to be done in a week after the purchase (the "most minutes played" rule). So you cannot do anything about a game that you owned for a long time and it suddenly received a Linux version.

Legend Of Grimrock 2 On Linux Is Uncertain
18 November 2014 at 7:30 pm UTC

Quoting: sonicWell, I bought LoG 1 on GoG for Windows when it was on sale. Developers never mentioned Linux version, so I took it on Windows (I really wanted this game). After one week LoG was on HB with Linux version! Damn, what a surprise! So I was counted as Windows user and had to wait about one year for Linux version on GoG (I really did not want buy it again, on HB. And play it on Windows when Linux version was released? Heh...).

I will not do the same mistake again, sorry guys, I am buying only Linux games now.

That's actually my story as well, almost verbatim.

Hearthlands Is A Real Time Strategy Game That Resembles Majesty & Settlers
26 September 2014 at 5:37 am UTC

This seems to be a modern copy of an old classic Beasts and Bumpkins. I have such a fond memory of that game.