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Latest Comments by Philadelphus
In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor released into Early Access, yes this is a real game
24 August 2016 at 10:21 pm UTC Likes: 1

QuoteThe entire game just makes zero sense. I know games don't have to make sense, but come on.
See also: Pac-man, Tetris, Mario… :P

Paradox have teamed up with a modder to create the Cities: Skylines Art Deco DLC coming soon
24 August 2016 at 6:59 pm UTC Likes: 1

Indeed, that's pretty neat. Instead of paid mods, this is what we need, more sponsored mods so you know there's a certain standard of quality.

Paradox also did this with Europa Universalis IV, which has two music DLCs made by a modder named Kairi Blodeuyn.

Master an angry mob in Okhlos, now on Linux with some thoughts thrown in
24 August 2016 at 5:37 am UTC

Ooh, I'll have to check out that music; A Shell in the Pit also did the absolutely ridiculously happy main-menu music for Parkitect.

Frozen State survival game survives Early Access, full version available, falls flat on its face
18 August 2016 at 2:05 am UTC Likes: 1

QuoteOut of 350 reviews 80% are positive, I feel like they must be playing a terribly different game to me.
Maybe they don't all share your irrational hatred of the beautiful color green. :P

Metamorphic, a puzzle game inspired by Portal, Minecraft and Mirror’s Edge now on Linux
3 August 2016 at 1:07 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: UltraAltesBrotLooks also pretty familiar to Q.U.B.E.
That's what I immediately thought too. The visual aesthetic is extremely similar. Let's hope it's more fun than Q.U.B.E. turned out to be. Watching those green and red shapes falling and interacting is bringing back terrible memories of some of Q.U.B.E.'s incredibly annoying puzzles with magnets where things were free to move about, and due to the physics engine would often get out of place just enough to make a solution not work. Portal did some subtle manipulation of physics objects (like nudging things through portals that might normally have bounced off the edge) and it was a much better and less aggravating game for it.

(I adore the Portal series, and got Q.U.B.E. partly on the strength of that love, and was sorely disappointed when I discovered that, although it mimicked much of the aesthetic, it had no witty banter or story of any kind barring a weird cutscene at the end where it turned out you were actually in a giant structure in space all along, for some reason. Then they released the Director's Cut edition with a story added and some updates, and now I'm torn on whether the story-less version was better.)

Bah, what is it with me and ranting about unrelated games in the comments section today? I apologize, folks. Here's hoping Metamorphic is the next Portal. :)

Latest Steam Hardware Survey shows Linux has grown, by a tiny amount (updated)
3 August 2016 at 12:51 am UTC

I got the survey sometime last month or the month before for the first time in probably a year or so too.

Timex, a Portal 2 mod with new single player campaign, needs votes on Steam Greenlight
2 August 2016 at 9:38 pm UTC Likes: 1

I do hope this'll be better than Portal Stories: MEL, which I really wanted to like, but which was far too in love with its own set design, forcing you to spend long minutes slowly plodding along to get to the next puzzle area without any interesting voice-overs or anything. No using portals to speed things up getting around or anything like that, what kind of game did you think you were playing? Walk slowly to the next area where we'll allow you to use your precious portal gun again, plebeian.

Plus it seemed like they had ONE main puzzle mechanic (which wasn't used in a puzzle solution in Portal 2, and this game demonstrates why), involving tons and tons of Emancipation Grills and fizzling portals, and they shoehorned it into Every. Single. Puzzle. Each time I'd slowly and painstakingly solve a puzzle involving figuring out how to turn off a series of Emancipation Grills in sequence so I could slowly move a cube to a button (and if you mess up, you get to start over!), I'd look forward to the next puzzle where maybe, just maybe, I'd get to do something new and exciting like fling myself through space, use Aerial Faith Plates, any of the other wonderful things Portal is known for? Annnnd, get to figure out how to turn off a series of Emancipation Grills so you can slowly move a cube to a button. But this time you get to use lasers to help turn them off! That's cool, right?

Anyway, sorry about the rant there, I do hope this game will be good! I'm always up for more quality Portal content.

TynanSylvester, creator of RimWorld comments on Linux
22 July 2016 at 2:54 am UTC

There was a bug with the Steam key redemption system for Kickstarter backers that I encountered, but after emailing the help desk they got it fixed and I now have a score of mods installed for my first Steam game. :)

RimWorld, easily one of the best colony building sims is now on Steam with Linux support
15 July 2016 at 8:35 pm UTC

Yes! I backed the original Kickstarter campaign, and while I've enjoyed playing some of the earlier alphas released to backers I find the hassle of having to manually re-download each new version a pain. (Yes, I'm lazy. :P ) I'm really looking forward to having it on Steam finally.

Exit Fate, a 50-hour 2D RPG now on Linux
14 July 2016 at 1:09 am UTC

Apparently the help isn't completely finished—trying to read entries on Elements, Battles, and Wars got me a little pop-up about missing text or image files and an instant crash. It's also flat-out wrong in places—the cancel key is not B, it's X.

The game itself isn't exactly my cup of tea from the half hour I've played, but that video review made it sound so compelling I'm willing to give it a go.