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Psyonix are ending support for Rocket League on both Linux and macOS (updated)
23 January 2020 at 7:19 pm UTC Likes: 9

Quoting: Guest
QuoteLet’s see how it goes with Proton

Apparently it works better
It works better until it doesn't.

D9VK, the Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer has a huge new 0.40 'Croakacola' release out
15 December 2019 at 12:19 pm UTC

Quoting: barab4I hope that Gothic 3 will now work without massive stutters. Does anyone know when will this update be available on Steam? (I don't want to do any manual work, expect right click and select Proton version"
I think it's already part of it (I think there is release candidate version, which is most likely on par with full release), check the changelog of the newest Proton (D9VK updated to 0.40-rc-p).

Steam Play Proton 4.11-4 has been released into the wild
14 September 2019 at 7:33 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Solitary
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: TheRiddickAllot of the mouse capture issues are related to people with more then 1 monitor, which apparently is not many of us. This results in the problem being prevalent apparently since testing is mostly done on single monitor setups.

Yep, all of my mouse issues are when my pointer would leave the right edge of my primary game screen and appear on the left edge of my non-game screen.

For Fallout 4, I can work around the problem slightly by repositioning the virtual layout of my monitors to be above/below each other. It doesn't actually fix the issue, but you're much less likely to look directly up while playing! When you do, you'll still get the freeze as the mouse 'leaves' the game space, but it's much easier to deal with.

Couldn't you just disable one of the monitors before you start the game?
Would mean moving all my windows back over when I'm done... not sure if that's more of a hassle to be honest! I'll do some tests this weekend though and report back.

I am not sure I understand what you mean? Are your app's windows tied to the specific monitor? I would expect they would be on their own separate virtual workspace and just disabling a monitor won't move anything.

Oh... or do you have just one workspace stretched across two monitors?

Steam Play Proton 4.11-4 has been released into the wild
14 September 2019 at 7:05 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: scaine
Quoting: TheRiddickAllot of the mouse capture issues are related to people with more then 1 monitor, which apparently is not many of us. This results in the problem being prevalent apparently since testing is mostly done on single monitor setups.

Yep, all of my mouse issues are when my pointer would leave the right edge of my primary game screen and appear on the left edge of my non-game screen.

For Fallout 4, I can work around the problem slightly by repositioning the virtual layout of my monitors to be above/below each other. It doesn't actually fix the issue, but you're much less likely to look directly up while playing! When you do, you'll still get the freeze as the mouse 'leaves' the game space, but it's much easier to deal with.

Couldn't you just disable one of the monitors before you start the game?

Need a new stresstest for your Linux PC? Geekbench 5 is out adding Vulkan support
11 September 2019 at 11:41 am UTC

Quoting: Tuxee
Quoting: 0ttman
Quoting: TuxeeNo luck with the Vulkan benchmarks.

It says

$./geekbench5 --compute-list
Geekbench 5.0.0 :

0 0 GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
0 0 GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Just to be sure:

$ vulkaninfo 

Vulkan Instance Version: 1.1.101

Any idea what to do about that?

I ran this command for Vulkan "./geekbench_x86_64 --compute vulkan"

As stated: Doesn't work.

$ ./geekbench_x86_64 --compute vulkan
Error: Compute API 'Vulkan' is not available.
Geekbench 5.0.0 :


  ./geekbench_x86_64 [ options ]


  --compute [API]           run the Compute benchmark
                              API can be one of: CUDA, OpenCL (default)

I am in the same boat as you and I also have gtx 1060. There is only cuda and opencl available. There are some suspicious line popping up before listing all compute APIs, but I am not infront of my PC at the moment. I am running Fedora 30, uptodate nvidia and slighlty newer Vulkan.

Some more thoughts on Ion Fury, the FPS from Voidpoint and 3D Realms
23 August 2019 at 1:48 pm UTC Likes: 17

Quoting: scaineThere's a big difference between censorship and basic respect for fellow human beings. This issue is about the latter.
Respect goes both ways. Bullying others, because they have different opinions is also problem. Those negative reviews are because of the censorship. Is that really solution you advocate?

Hello Games appear to be keeping an eye on Steam Play with No Man's Sky, temp fix needed for NVIDIA
23 August 2019 at 7:39 am UTC

Quoting: slaapliedjeWasn't No Man's Sky one of those that at some point in time was supposed to get a native version?

I don't think so, but it's possible. The game was hyped prior release with bunch of straight up lies, it's the main reason why I haven't bought it.

Steam Play arrived on Linux one year ago, some thoughts
21 August 2019 at 9:17 am UTC

Quoting: dvdNot really, Valve doesn't have smartphones, which are probably the #1 target they expect this to shine. (since it is basically video streaming with some input gathered. They will just put up pairing with a controller on a smartphone and you have your google powered "nintendo switch" just with all the pc games you can imagine).

I think Valve is probably trying to make moves on the desktop and/or console front, where the customers will not appreciate if their games are streamed.

I dont think Valve not having phones is in any way relevant. Purpose of streaming is to be platform independant. What matters is that people have phones and yea, they will want to stream on their device. Valve already has Steamlink on the phones though, so they are already in that part of business. Granted, Steamlink (atleast how we currently know it) might not be sufficient for full scale streaming service, but it already can do the job, even over internet and not just local network.

Steam Play arrived on Linux one year ago, some thoughts
20 August 2019 at 11:08 pm UTC

Quoting: subSubscription model. Some people might like that. Tbh, depending on the price I would probably use a subscription model with Steam.

You still have to buy those games on Stadia. The subscription is to get additional features and maybe some games on the side. It's just another store front, one where you don't get to play those bought games locally. Personally I believe that Valve will eventually make their own streaming service on top of the existing game library and with the help of Proton be able to stream whatever you own without need for the game to be specifically ported for the platform as is the case of Stadia. Even in current state of Linux/Proton gaming, such a streaming service would crush Stadia on the spot.

Boxtron, a Steam compatibility tool to run games through a native Linux DOSBox
2 August 2019 at 9:46 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: dreamer_You are right, the music is missing! I falsely presumed the ambient music will appear in some specific level areas - thanks for pointing this out. I managed to manually bring it back by converting mp3s to ogg (ffmpeg -i 02.mp3 02.ogg) and editing .cue file (GAME.DAT). SDL1.2_mixer has some wonky dependencies when it comes to playing mp3s, so that's the culprit. There is other .cue related bug present, so I might as well make this fix automatic for future Boxtron versions and kill 2 bugs with one change. Thanks again for steering me in the right direction!

If I remember correctly that's because SDL_mixer in Fedora doesn't have mp3 enabled. Encountered that few years back, used to be because of the patent issues, don't know why it's still a problem though.