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Latest Comments by scaine
What have you been playing recently? We've been tinkering with a Raspberry Pi 4
21 July 2020 at 9:34 am UTC

Quoting: RedneckI've been playing CSGO with my online buddies and Killing Floor 2!

I was also looking at the Raspberry PI to use it on the tv, is it smooth? Because I tried Steam Link on my Chromebook and it didn't go very well

How's KF2 these days? I'm thinking about getting back into it. I spent 8 hours getting to know it, but didn't feel the same love for it as I did for the original. But the gunplay is outstanding and very few games make zombie slaughter so enjoyable. My biggest issue with it is the same issue I had with the original - until you spend 100+ hours in the game, you don't know the maps well enough to be really effective.

What have you been playing recently? We've been tinkering with a Raspberry Pi 4
21 July 2020 at 9:30 am UTC

Quoting: CFWhitmanI've been continuing to go through Bioshock Infinite and The Talos Principle. The Talos Principle did get much more engaging when connectors and fans were introduced to the puzzles. However, I don't care for the philosophical drivel, and a couple of the puzzles are annoying to execute rather than being difficult to figure out (these involve learning just how close you can get to mines before they will home in and kill you). I still like Portal 2 better. I'm getting close to the end, but I've been playing it a bit less and Bioshock Infinite quite a bit more.

I also got Steamlink going on a couple of Raspberry Pi 3s. I have noticed a couple of oddities. If more than one computer is running Steam with Steamlink connections enabled when you open Steamlink, it cannot distinguish between the two. It will pretty much invariably claim to be connecting to the same computer regardless of which one it is actually connecting to. The only way to stop it from randomly connecting to the wrong one is to shutdown Steam or disable remote connections to it.

Also, my rather old desktop in the cellar works for Steamlink to connect to, but controllers will only work in the Steam interface, not within games. When Steamlink is connected to my current desktop, controllers work fine. I suspect this could have something to do with the old desktop still being on Ubuntu Studio 18.04 (which is supported as an LTS version by Ubuntu but not by Ubuntu Studio), while my normal desktop is running Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS. It would be soon that I upgraded the one in the cellar to 20.04 either way, but I wonder if that will fix the issue. I'm much more likely to want to remote to the one in the cellar than my regular desktop for 2D games, since it is more likely that someone would want to use the regular one for something else.

Oh, that's a shame! I LOVED the philosophical drivel in Talos Principle! Sure, it's drivel, but it's so atmospheric and it does allude to the wider story of what happens to "you", the android, after you leave the puzzle chambers and "ascend" the Tower.

I also loved, although never completed, the meta-puzzles of the island. There are optional puzzles you can do in each area, which cause physical effects outside of that areas boundaries. Like, one I did caused a laser/ray to shine outside of its play area, over another play area. I think the intention is that you could then use that laser/ray in that new area to cause yet another effect in another area. The love and attention to detail is astounding.

I'm with you on Portal 2 though. That game just had more character and charm. Wheatley is great, GladOS is great... but it's Cave Johnson that makes it. JK Simmons absolutely knocked that character out of the park - the lines are great, but the way he delivered them was outstanding. What a game.

What have you been playing recently? We've been tinkering with a Raspberry Pi 4
20 July 2020 at 4:15 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: kokoko3kEnslaved via Proton.
Got it somehow in the past for cheap.
It is an old UE3 Game, so it is very light, but still it catches me FAR MORE than Shadow of the Tomb Raider which i put in standby and almost forgot.

Thanks to enslaved, i discovered Ninja Theory team, and got their reboot of Devil may cry for something like 6 euros :-) SOTR will wait a bit more...

And (as always) Grid autosport (which i finally got it running at double framerate in wine).
I'm playing it since years and i've just completed the Touring discipline, i'm in love with that game.

Also, Beneath a steel sky in Scummvm with my smartphone.

Just stopping by to say that Enslaved is superb. I loved the characters, I loved the setting, I loved the environments, I loved the gameplay. It's great.

What have you been playing recently? We've been tinkering with a Raspberry Pi 4
20 July 2020 at 1:11 pm UTC Likes: 3

Not much change from last week - still playing 7 Days to Die A19 natively (Vulkan), and Grim Dawn via Proton. However, Superhot: Mind Control Delete came out last week and I sank around 8 hours into that too. Amazing game, like a roguelite version of the original, but makes you EVEN MORE awesome.

And I'm still dipping into Dota Underlords for the odd game. Turns out, those heroes I mentioned that had been cut from the final release? Not really - Valve are doing the whole "seaons" thing with Underlords now, and about 15 heroes are "out of season", so no doubt they'll be back when season 2 lands, whenever that might be. I haven't looked at figures for Underlords, but given that it takes a good 30 seconds to score a multi-player casual game, I wonder if numbers are dwindling. It was near-instantaneous before!

Oh, and I did a few of Mana Spark too. So replayable and has the whole "one more game" lure. So glad I bought this one.

Remembering an indie gem with Osmos over 10 years later
18 July 2020 at 11:16 am UTC

Quoting: Mountain ManGreat game. I think I still have a .deb installer tucked away somewhere on my hard drive, but it's broken now and throws up an error if try to run it, so Osmos exists mostly as a memory for me. When I bought it many years ago, it came with a free album of ambient music by Mat Jarvis called Sounds of Earth that I still enjoy listening to.

Well, you made me look...

Developer of Robo Instructus gives out sales info after a year
17 July 2020 at 4:25 pm UTC Likes: 1

Yeah, I'd echo Linas. I'm a devout Linux user and gamer, who frequently (daily at least) checks the "new items" on Steam and I'd never heard of this one! And I'm not on Itch at all unless GOL puts a link in an article that reminds me to shop there first.

So hard for indies these days. Unless you're lucky to land on the next big thing, it just doesn't look like the money is there.

NoiseTorch is another tool to remove background noise while recording on Linux
17 July 2020 at 3:16 pm UTC Likes: 1

When all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.

NoiseTorch is another tool to remove background noise while recording on Linux
17 July 2020 at 3:02 pm UTC Likes: 3

I was a bit gutted that the 0.2 version of Cadmus seems to break entirely on Mint, so while I wait for the developer to look into that (quite a few folk have reported it), I might give this one a try! I say might, because while I like the look of NoiseTorch and appreciate that it actually has a GUI (Cadmus is just an indicator-applet), Cadmus is a deb/flatpack install, but NoiseTorch is a script, which looks a bit messier. And I'm pretty lazy, so there's that...

17 July 2020 at 8:34 am UTC

When did they add a launcher? Just tried it there, and sure enough, there's a launcher now! Also, replay works fine for me...

16 July 2020 at 5:17 pm UTC Likes: 5

I'm gonna be controversial (not really) and say that the game doesn't even really start until you get Recall. Sure, Charge is great fun, but starting every level with a Katana is great, being able to throw the Katana is great and being able to pull that Katana back into your hand (cleaving enemies as it does so) is REALLY GREAT. But once you realise you can deflect bullets back to enemies with said Katana... yeah, this game is incredibly good fun.

Jedi's are fine and all, but they're not Super. Hot.

I LOVE this game.