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Latest Comments by scaine
Unity game engine 2018.2 is now out with experimental Vulkan support in the editor
10 July 2018 at 5:07 pm UTC

I'm too lazy to check (and not convinced I'd understand it if I did), but I wonder if this in any way impacts the "to do" list that the "Edge of Eternity" devs compiled for Unity...

Asteroid Fight is a hugely promising online RTS where you build your hero unit and it will support Linux
9 July 2018 at 4:53 pm UTC

I love the look of this. The mix of RTS, base building and action... yep. Keeping an eye on this, definitely.

Survival game 'Rust' adds a new Team UI, a deployable watchtower, compass and more
6 July 2018 at 2:00 pm UTC Likes: 4

I do like how Rust looks. Just a shame it's mainly PVP... just not my thing.

Stonehearth for Linux is cancelled five years after a successful Kickstarter
6 July 2018 at 11:25 am UTC

Steam's trying to sell games, I get it. But it really annoys me that their "recently posted" section features 9 negative reviews, but the overall rating is "mostly positive"??

Even the positive reviews note game-breaking bugs, performance issues after 20 hours and AI that just doesn't work. Really weird and frustrating when I see such negativity summed up by Steam as mostly positive.

Open-world game 'Project 5: Sightseer' just had a massive update adding in more NPCs, skills and more
2 July 2018 at 11:34 am UTC Likes: 1

Looks pretty sweet. Might have to dip into this while I wait for 7 Days to Die Alpha 17!

Play It Now - Gunpoint
30 June 2018 at 2:13 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: KelsYou mention that the writing is top-notch, and the plot is amazing. But you don't seem to say much of anything about what the plot is actually about. Lots of superlatives about it, but that's all. It feels a little like being told about wonderful graphics but not being shown any screenshots.

It's true and that was on purpose. Honestly, the game is so short that I could ruin it in about 30 words! I suppose I'm over-reacting though - I could have done a better job to summarise. As I say in the article, you're a super-spy/detective dude who witnesses, and is pulled into, a murder and the subsequent consequences of the actions he takes to ensure that he isn't accused of that murder.

As for the superlatives - this is PIN! I'm going to rave about every game I put in this series!! :)

RocketWerkz to seriously consider a Linux version of 'Stationeers' with more sales
27 June 2018 at 5:25 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: 14This looks very promising. I hope it comes to Linux. I have to be honest and say that this game made me think of Astroneer every second, which has already been confirmed for Linux in Q2, 2018. I'm also looking forward to that one.

Bear in mind that they've pushed the release date into Q3, clarifying that work would begin in Q2 2018, which caused some confusion.


RocketWerkz to seriously consider a Linux version of 'Stationeers' with more sales
27 June 2018 at 12:49 pm UTC Likes: 1

Odd that Windows sales drives multiplatform support. I guess they see a big support/port burden or cost in the work, which doesn't sound like they had any inkling of multiplatform until recently. That kind of doesn't bode well!

Still, I'd love to play this, so I wish them well. They launched on Steam 6 months ago, so maybe there will be news this time next year. If their game is still relevant after so long (and as a sandbox game, that's quite likely), I'll buy it, definitely.

Dead Cells’ Linux version is now out of beta, also introduces basic mod support
26 June 2018 at 9:51 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: alexbrrsclntI'm having problems with the detection of the Steam Controller in the game. Normally the games detect it as a Xbox360 controller, and the buttons get mapped as the 360 ones, but just when I launch the game, I see a message with the recomendation of using a controller instead keyboard/mouse. When I click a button, the in game display for the action of controller buttons change to the keyboard ones.

Anyone with the same issue?

I believe they've noted an issue with Steam Controller being detected as mouse+keyboard. Not sure of the fix - I went back to my Xbox360 controller a few months back.

Great Linux games on Steam currently under a fiver
25 June 2018 at 12:16 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: chancho_zombieLiam you are missing a great game although with mixed reviews: Deus Ex Mankind Divided.

$ 4.49 (US) £ 2.99 (UK) € 4.49 (EU)

I have not played it yet I bought it on the spring sale (for double price) so I cannot comment.

It's only got mixed reviews because some people are entitled idiots who think that they get to dictate every aspect of a game in a series they feel passionately about. Typical toxic fandom.

If you have a powerful PC, but this. It's absolutely excellent.