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ATOM RPG, the Fallout-like game now has a full tutorial starting area and more
21 January 2019 at 5:05 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Sojiro84Seems like this was made just for me! I can't remember ever playing a game like this and I barely played the game since the official release. I walked around a bit, talked to a few people but got no clue what to do or where to go.

No big shiny markers pointing me where to go, which is fine, but the first combat encounter I had I died straight away vs a bear. I was weak and had no weapons.

Also I was dieing of hunger and have no clue how to make/get food. So hopefully this tutorial explains all that so I can actually enjoy and play the game instead of leaving it collecting dust.
I remember the times when not everything was presented to the player on a silver platter and people were actually able to figure out complicated stuff like food being sold by vendors / prepared at campfires or the quest journal not spelling out every detail, instead just giving hints...
Modern games really turned lots of gamers into... less self-reliant versions of themselves. A shame.

Seriously, though, how was your first combat encounter a bear? They really are rather brutal early on, but the game starts with that campfire scene, which is a combat, followed by going immediately to the first town, which has a couple of rats and insects around for new players to gain XP with. Accompanied by a quest that will make you run into those.

ATOM RPG, the Fallout-like game now has a full tutorial starting area and more
21 January 2019 at 12:59 pm UTC

Finished my playthrough just before the patch hit.
It was a really good experience then, so it getting better for a later playthrough is certainly welcome.

If you enjoy our content, we would appreciate your support!
19 January 2019 at 10:18 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Guestyeah i have problems
i have problems because everytime i go on internet i see words content work job content work job.

im not here for content but for information cuz there is forums and people who are on here share similar interests.
and i don't ahve negative preconceptions for word content but this word makes me feel negative.

why can't you use your brain and use different word?? why is everybody the same and uses the same words on internet? content work job??
i go on path of exile forum. people comment content and beg devs for content
i go on diablo 3 forum. people cry that blizzard dont put new content so game is crap
i go on runescape forum and read how people like the content
my friend who watches youtube all the time and youtubers he hears this word all the time and he hates this word too. it's not just me.

after seeing word content on internet trillion times in one year, it may make me feel negative. if you feel negative cuz of my posts then just ban me, and you will have your content.
Is this some kind of performance art?
Because it is really impressive.

Either way, I continue to like the site, news and the odd information and funny stuff in the discussions.
Go on.

Unity have updated their Terms of Service and they seem a lot more fair
17 January 2019 at 8:13 am UTC

Well, guess my opinion differs from the official definitions then.

Unity have updated their Terms of Service and they seem a lot more fair
17 January 2019 at 7:51 am UTC

Quoting: Kristian
Quoting: SilverCode
Quoting: eldakingI think there was one more step, with Improbable claiming that Unity had explicitly told them they were not in violation and the entire "notified one year ago" was solved.

Anyway, it is certainly an advancement on one front, but proprietary software is still a huge liability.

As for the other companies involved, you know what would be actually cool? If Epic, instead of opportunistically giving money for people to use their (equally proprietary) engine, open sourced Unreal to actually solve the issue. Or if Improbable partnered with Godot instead.
Unreal Engine 4 is already Open Source. Do you maybe not mean change the license to be a more permissive royalty free one?

No, UE4 is NOT open source. Their license requirements are far from being in compliance with the open source definition:
You can view something's sources? Open source to me.
I don't think a website called gets to define what open source is or isn't by putting up additional requirements.

As that would lead to sentences like "The sources are open, but it isn't open source."
That just doesn't sound right to me.

The FOSS game engine 'Godot Engine' has a very exciting 2019 planned for features
14 January 2019 at 10:20 am UTC

Meanwhile, the features I am most waiting for:
Proper terrain/heightmap generation (currently, there's only an external plugin for this)
Actually usable navigation meshes (including dynamic updates and different agent sizes)

Are both planned for 3.2, so I guess also realistic to expect this year.

Unity have changed their terms of service, which has essentially blocked SpatialOS and streaming services
10 January 2019 at 9:14 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GuestWhen unity stops being about unity
Have you heard of a company called Electronic Arts? ;)

PULSAR: Lost Colony, the starship crew sim is closing in on release
10 January 2019 at 3:09 pm UTC

Quoting: Fictionbrain
Quoting: TheSHEEEPIf you are easily impressionable by the fact that "woooahhh, I can turn my heeaaaadd", sure.
I tried. I'm just not that easily impressed. Did nothing for me other than becoming bothersome after a while due to the weight, cables around my head, etc.

It was fun for a while, as gimmicks tend to be.
Went back to monitor after and never felt the need to do VR again.
So, yeah, a gimmick.

Something that TheSHEEP doesn't find interesting or understands the value of
-1 score because you spelled my nick wrong ;)
But +3 for creativity.

Unity have changed their terms of service, which has essentially blocked SpatialOS and streaming services
10 January 2019 at 3:07 pm UTC

Quoting: CFWhitman
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: CFWhitmanThe reason they can do this is because streaming a game basically distributes a copy to whomever is playing it (though the copy technically is on the server, an image of it is transmitted to the user). Since Unity have to license redistribution rights to all developers who use the engine, they can control the terms of that redistribution. Of course, it's quite possible that outside companies could continue to use an older version which doesn't have the restrictive terms, though I'm sure that Unity would try to prevent this.

When using streaming, shouldn't the client only need minimal software, comparable to what is in the Steam Link?

Yes, but an additional copy is created for each user and then the results of what it's doing are distributed to a client. That is generally considered to be enough to constitute redistribution. In the case of a Steam Link, the results of the same copy already running on the computer go to another device used by the same person who is running the computer, so that does not constitute redistribution.
Good explanation, I think.
Indeed, streaming a game is more than just, say, watching Netflix.

The developer of Smith and Winston made an interesting blog post about supporting multiple platforms
10 January 2019 at 11:22 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: BeamboomI don't understand how different compilers can expose different bugs in the same(?) code. I mean, a bug is a bug isn't it? Or is it because the use of different libraries expose bugs caused by those particular libraries/APIs? If so, how will the code run smoother on a different set of libraries if the bug is related to that other library?

I don't get this?
Doesn't work that easy in programming, especially in C/C++, which is what pretty much all gaming is based on.
The same code simply might behave ever-so-slightly-different under different compilers.
Not major differences, mind you - that would be absurd. But small ones that can actually help uncovering otherwise hard to find bugs.

But he also mentions different libraries, like different threading libs per platform. That might be a more obvious example, where one library functions in a way that makes a possible deadlock in your code occur more often on that platform, so finding that bug earlier helps tremendously.