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Vampire Survivors has basically reignited the horde shooter genre now right? Developer 8BitSkull (Fates of Ort) has announced their next game with Void Scrappers.

They said it is inspired by Vampire Survivors but clearly they're going their own way with it. This isn't just another auto-attacking horde shooter, they've blasted off into space like Gunlocked. However, unlike Gunlocked this isn't a vertical scrolling-shooter as it gives you a proper arena to fly around in.

"Blast hordes of alien ships into junk. Collect the scrap to upgrade your ship into an unstoppable force of destruction. Unlock new characters and weapons and upgrade your stats between runs.

Collect scrap dropped by your defeated enemies. Use it to upgrade your ship until it becomes unstoppable. Fight and destroy bosses and grab the weapons they drop. Blast hordes of aliens with various projectiles, explosions and kinetic orbitals. Unlock new characters with unique abilities and new weapon and upgrade types. Permanently upgrade your ship stats in between runs."

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Just like their previous game Fates of Ort, they do plan full Native Linux support.

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Jul 8, 2022
QuoteDeveloper 8BitSkull (Fates of Ort)
Then I expect it is made with Defold? Good engine, very good Linux support.
Serious_Table Jul 8, 2022
Yesssssss. BRING ME MORE SPACE SHIP GAMES FOR MY DECK! It was one of my first thoughts when trying Vampire Survivors. "This'd look great in a space setting". I'm really glad there's developers who agree.
scaine Jul 8, 2022
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Haha - just went to buy this, only to see that it's not out for another few months. Dammit! I hope I still have the bug for this on the run up to Christmas, I guess. It looks great. I need to check out their earlier game too - the graphics look pretty basic, but the mechanics of it all sound really interesting.

Also, good grief, Vampire Survivors has a lot to answer for:

Last edited by scaine on 8 July 2022 at 2:14 pm UTC
robvv Jul 8, 2022
Quoting: scaineNomad Survival is another great cheap Vampire Survivors styled game

Yeah. I've been sucked into this game for the last 24 hours! I like the idea of a larger number of skills and being able to re-roll the offerings from the start. The music is cool as well!
Cybolic Jul 10, 2022
Interesting art style; reminds me a bit of Blastar on the Amiga.
bepop 3 years Jul 15, 2022
Check out Nova Drift if you want space Vampire Survivors and 20 minutes till dawn.
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