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Latest Comments by scaine
Challenging turn-based RPG 'Stoneshard' has a huge overhaul update out, price rising
25 September 2020 at 1:40 pm UTC Likes: 3

The save system (and lack of fast travel to a lesser extent) is the biggest gripe on almost every review I read on this title. I'm pretty gobsmacked that they added all this new content, but didn't fix the one thing that's dragging their Steam reviews down. The number one review on the page with over 85 "helpfuls" is a negative review of a player wanting to like Stoneshard, but notes the lack of saves! Big oof.

Explore a nightmarish world of twisted religion in Blasphemous - now available for Linux
23 September 2020 at 8:11 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ShmerlWas it inspired by Bosch?

As in, the artist? I don't think so, although there's a bit of overlap in the twisted religious theme. The Wikipedia page for the game cites "the religious art and iconography of Seville, Spain" as the main inspiration.

Futuristic, mysterious, full of physics and circuits - puzzle game The Long Gate is out
22 September 2020 at 2:49 pm UTC Likes: 1

I was just commenting recently on another thread that The Witness was a similarly disappointing game that just dumps you onto an island full of incredibly repetitive puzzles with similarly bizarre spikes of difficulty. The Long Gate looks even prettier and appears to have more variety in the puzzle elements, but I completely agree - without some motivation or world building, it's really hard to keep momentum with these games.

I'll stick it on my watchlist and I might end up buying it as an afternoon's distraction, even if I don't come anywhere near completing it.

Explore a nightmarish world of twisted religion in Blasphemous - now available for Linux
22 September 2020 at 11:28 am UTC

Quoting: ageres
Quoting: scaineYou describe Hollow Knight... then recommend Hollow Knight??? Don't forget how useless HK's map is, or that you don't even have a map until you randomly stumble upon the map maker. Sheesh!
HK has fast movement and combat, comfortable jumping, HP regaining from enemies. I haven't had any problems with its map. The map pieces are impossible to miss, and they are located near area entrances. If you want to see really bad map implementation, look at Feudal Alloy. For me, HK is the best metroidvania ever, and I compare other games with it. I'm glad you are enjoying Blasphemous, but I don't like it myself.

Blasphemy mimics HK's movement nearly perfectly, imo. Movement is basically identical, right down to the dash (although Blasphemous adds like a quarter-second recharge to prevent spamming). There's no HP regain from enemies, true - it follow the S&S model for that, limiting your runs to the number of healing flasks you have. However, since enemies regenerate when you restore flasks, it has much the same effect as HK - where you can't heal in HK if you run out of enemies to kill. I actually prefer the Blasphemous/S&S model because it prevents you from needing to kill lots of tiny enemies just to store healing power. Indeed, Blasphemous' map often exploits this, allowing you bypass "beaten" enemies by unlocking gates, pushing trees over onto previously impassable spikes, or granting access to lifts and other shortcuts.

In short, I'm pretty gobsmacked that anyone can both like Hollow Knight and dislike Blasphemous. They're different... but in tiny ways. I also enjoyed Hollow Knight, but despite 50 hours over two runs, I never found the interest in finishing it - both map finding and the "return to scene of death" mechanic made the game just too tedious to deal with. I spent much longer in Salt and Sanctuary, completing it three times. Hopefully I'll have a similar run in Blasphemous.

Explore a nightmarish world of twisted religion in Blasphemous - now available for Linux
22 September 2020 at 7:07 am UTC Likes: 4

I sank 5 hours into this last night, playing till midnight. It's almost like a reskinned Hollow Knight, with the atmosphere of Salt and Sanctuary. The move set is almost identical to HK - moves and attacks are very similar, although Blasphemous adds a wonderful "block" option, and the as the Penitent One, you can also duck. There seems to be a better progression here though, with unlocks that give you powered attacks, combos and a really nice "slide then attack" option.

The guilt system is better than both Salt and Sanctuary and Hollow Knight too. In HK, you were pretty much forced to go back to the scene of your death to reclaim your full health, and similarly in S&S, you rarely wanted to lose a whole run's accrued Salt. But here, you only accrue a little guilt on death, which restricts how often you can use your special ability. I think it also keeps tracks of your guilt on the map, so if it accrues too far, then you can go track some of it down to reclaim it later. Much more flexibility. Like HK, there's also a couple of specials that will allow you to completely "heal up" for a price.

The enemies are generally a that hard-to-achieve mix of "difficult at"first" and then "stupidly easy once you understand their attack pattern".

Beautiful graphics, great sound design. Some of the voice acting is a bit hit and miss, but that's fairly minor. Really enjoying it so far.

Explore a nightmarish world of twisted religion in Blasphemous - now available for Linux
21 September 2020 at 5:32 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ageres
Quoting: GuestCould you go into some more detail about what parts you found boring?
Lots of backtracking, lack of fast travel stations, slow movement speed. Every enemy can kill you easily, then you'll have to return to your corpse, Dark Souls-style, otherwise after every death you'll be getting less and less currency points, therefore more tiresome grinding. Janky platforming. Upgrades are useless. Most of things you'll find are lore text, uninteresting and hard to read. I'd recommend to play Hollow Knight instead.

You describe Hollow Knight... then recommend Hollow Knight??? Don't forget how useless HK's map is, or that you don't even have a map until you randomly stumble upon the map maker. Sheesh!

Explore a nightmarish world of twisted religion in Blasphemous - now available for Linux
21 September 2020 at 1:09 pm UTC

Just bought this. Looking forward to giving it a shot tonight. Looks great!

First person dungeon-crawler 'Delver' properly open source again, pulls in lots of updates
21 September 2020 at 12:42 pm UTC

I've enjoyed quite a few hours in Delver. Between it and Barony, all my retro-graphics RPG requirements are met!

Free first-person shooter-strategy 'Unvanquished' is now properly open source
19 September 2020 at 10:54 am UTC

I downloaded the torrent, got this:

No idea what to do. Nothing in the wiki either, that I could find. Why is the torrent different from the universal updater? Why are good guy open source game designers so poor at making their games easily accessible? Weird.

I'll try the actual download button. I tend to avoid them if there's a torrent, a I don't like placing load on a free game resource.

Faraway: Director's Cut getting a launch delay to be 'bigger and better'
19 September 2020 at 9:45 am UTC

Quoting: Phlebiac"alluring 3D world"? Those are some rather flat looking polygons.

Speak for yourself! I think it looks great. Reminds me of Gunfire. It's stark, but I like it.