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3,500 games now Steam Deck Verified or Playable

By - | Views: 29,571

Another great milestone has been hit for the Steam Deck, with Valve's popular Linux-powered handheld now having 3,500 games rated as either Verified or Playable.

Back on June 7th it only just hit 3,200 so the rate continues at a nice steady pace. As a reminder though, Deck Verified is just the formal verification system. Plenty of games that haven't been tested work just fine, and some that are listed as Unsupported also work fine (or can do with one or two tweaks). You also have access to emulation and retro gaming, external launchers and much more. The Steam Deck is incredibly versatile.

The numbers right now at time of writing:

  • steam deck verified Verified: 1755
  • steam deck verified Playable: 1803
  • steam deck verified Unsupported: 1505

Some recently fully Verified games include:

Shown off in a recent highlights reel video:

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Of course, who can also forget FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE? Which we had a dedicated article and video on. That was another massive boost to the Steam Deck.

Some of our other highlights and videos on the Steam Deck recently include Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, The Cycle: Frontier, Starship Troopers: Terran Command and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge.

Also don't forget if you miss your purchase email, you still have a few days to contact Steam support.

Be sure to follow GamingOnLinux on YouTube!

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Zelox Jun 22, 2022
Cool, is it just me or isnt there verification 100% correct.
Would be cool if protondb was included somehow, we need Steam addons. Showing prices in sek is something i really want, and implement a protondb rating on every store page.
I dont know how they verify. But doing an automatisation would’t be that hard. Does the game start, does it play, when does it crash and if it crash make the user add a comment and collect the hardware, proton version and so on. This is basicly how proton db works.

Getting of topic here, great to see more titels anyway

Last edited by Zelox on 22 June 2022 at 9:59 am UTC
mr-victory Jun 22, 2022
Brawlhalla makes quite sense to be verified. Why wasn't it already?
Craggles086 Jun 22, 2022
Still notice that the unsupported games in my library are full of disappointments.

Who wouldn’t love to play Elite Dangerous on their Steam Deck?
Ehvis Jun 22, 2022
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Quoting: Craggles086Who wouldn’t love to play Elite Dangerous on their Steam Deck?

Last I heard ED was playable on deck. And no, it would not be my choice for a deck game.
wit_as_a_riddle Jun 22, 2022
Looking forward to comments about those few games that slipped through the cracks of the verification system and somehow don't work as expected according to their rating. Best, most interesting and original sentiments, and very important to note since by all indications Valve is an evil and greedy company which lies to their customers (for profit!) at every opportunity. /s!

🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, couldn't help myself.

3500 games with console-like experience. Many more with PC-like experience. It's incredible!
Purple Library Guy Jun 22, 2022
When it comes to things working on Proton, I am very pleased to find that Galactic Civilizations III, which I bought ages ago hoping it would work in Wine but could never get to work, turns out to work perfectly with Proton on my new laptop. On my desktop I get the launcher and then when I try to start the game it fails with a weird little launcher error message (bloody launchers), but maybe now that I've experienced that it can work I'll try some fiddling.

This is actually the first game I have ever run on Proton; all my other stuff is native (or, well, DOSBox in a couple of cases)
Phlebiac Jun 22, 2022
Quoting: Zeloximplement a protondb rating on every store page.

One option:
Philadelphus Jun 22, 2022
As I continue to wait for my order email, I'm curious: have the ratings shifted to be more in line with peoples' expectations? I.e., Verified being more like ProtonDB's Platinum (stable, no problems, basically bug free), rather than "technically checks off all the boxes Valve laid out on the criteria page".
ticktok Jun 22, 2022
Quoting: PhiladelphusAs I continue to wait for my order email, I'm curious: have the ratings shifted to be more in line with peoples' expectations? I.e., Verified being more like ProtonDB's Platinum (stable, no problems, basically bug free), rather than "technically checks off all the boxes Valve laid out on the criteria page".

So far both the Verified and Playable for me have been equivalent to ProtonDB's Platinum.(Steams drop from Verified to Playable is if you have to use the touchscreen or on-screen keyboard to do anything, or it shows playstation/keyboard prompts instead of steam/xbox prompts). And Unsupported usually means launch it with proton-GE or check protonDB for a tweak(or find out on protonDB that there's no workaround and it's just EAC hell).
sarmad Jun 22, 2022
I don't understand this number. There are 9800 games on Steam that natively support Linux. I understand the verified status having more to do than just the game being playable, but shouldn't playable include all those 9800 native titles by default?
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