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MangoHud performance monitor v0.7.2 out now

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud, the performance monitor you can put on top of games on Linux has a brand new release available with new features and fixes. This is the tech that powers the performance overlay on Steam Deck!

MangoHud 0.7.2-rc1 adds Wayland keybinds, a time label and bug fixes

By Liam Dawe,
The next version of the Linux performance overlay MangoHud is close, with a release candidate up now and ready for testing with MangoHud version 0.7.2-rc1.

MangoHud manager GOverlay 1.1.1 released upgrading to QT6

By Liam Dawe,
GOverlay, the app you can use if you want a UI to manage overlays like MangoHud has a new release out that upgrades its insides and fixes some bugs.

Linux gaming performance display MangoHud v0.7.1 is out now

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud is the fantastic tool you can use to display various amounts of performance information while gaming on Linux, it's also what the Steam Deck uses for the HUD too. A new version 0.7.1 is out now!

MangoHud v0.7 out now adding presets support like on Steam Deck

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud, the awesome tool you can use to get a HUD on top of your games (included by default on the Steam Deck), has released version 0.7.0 that includes many new options so here's what's changed.

MangoHud performance overlay gets a few needed fixes in v0.6.9-1

By Liam Dawe,
After the previous release of v0.6.9, MangoHud has another nice update out that fixes up a few lingering problems for the Linux performance hud that's also used on Steam Deck for the built-in performance info.

MangoHud performance overlay version v0.6.9 is out now as a nice update

By Liam Dawe,
It's been a while since the last release but a nice update to the performance hud and benchmarking tool MangoHud is out now. This is the tool used for the performance stats on Steam Deck.

GOverlay app for managing the MangoHud overlay gets a bunch of new options

By Liam Dawe,
GOverlay is great! Giving you a real easy way to tweak the MangoHud performance overlay on Linux, along with it also working with vkBasalt and ReplaySorcery.

Linux gaming overlay MangoHud version 0.6.8 out now

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud is probably one of my favourite open source projects giving Linux gamers a fancy HUD to display various performance metrics in a nice overlay. Version 0.6.8 is out now!

GOverlay for configuring the MangoHud performance overlay new release out

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud is a great performance overlay for Linux, one that's used on the Steam Deck too and GOverlay helps you configure it really easily. A new release is out with GOverlay 0.9.

Linux gaming overlay MangoHud has a new release

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud is something that Valve use on the Steam Deck, specifically for the performance HUD that shows various details like FPS, frame timing, temperatures and more. It just had a new release with plenty of changes.

GOverlay 0.8 is out with new features to help configure MangoHud

By Liam Dawe,
For those just getting into Linux and / or people who will be testing out the Steam Deck, GOverlay can be a bit of a lifesaver to help configure some extra tools like MangoHud.

GOverlay for editing MangoHud gets a new Steam Deck friendly UI

By Liam Dawe,
GOverlay is an application that helps to manage Linux gaming tools like the MangoHud performance overlay, the Vulkan post-processing layer vkBasalt and the video capture tool ReplaySorcery.

GOverlay just got an awesome update to make editing MangoHud even easier

By Liam Dawe,
GOverlay, the open source app for managing various Linux gaming overlays just got a fantastic upgrade, with it now having a live OpenGL preview for MangoHud.

The fantastic Linux gaming overlay MangoHud has a new version out

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud, the all in one solution to show off various performance metrics for Linux gaming, has a brand new version out now with more options.

GOverlay gets another small release to help you manage tools like MangoHud

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud is a fantastic way to show off all sorts of details in games on Linux from frame timings to RAM use and plenty more. GOverlay continues making it more accessible with a full UI.

Grab an up to date MangoHud with NVML, GOverlay and vkBasalt on Ubuntu with a new PPA

By Liam Dawe,
Canonical (Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE) developer Martin Wimpress has announced a fresh PPA for Linux gamers.

Linux gaming overlay MangoHud gets fancy with new graphs in the latest release

By Liam Dawe,
Have a love of graphs? You will like the latest release of the Linux gaming overlay and benchmark tool MangoHud, as it's giving you even more details and control.

Valve updates the Steam Linux Container Runtime for Proton 5.13, helps tools like MangoHud

By Liam Dawe,
With the Steam Play Proton 5.13 compatibility tool being a major upgrade, along with it now using the Steam Linux Container Runtime, it did come with some annoying issues that they're now trying to solve.

Linux gaming overlay MangoHud version 0.5.1 released

By Liam Dawe,
Continuing to be the go-to for people needing a good HUD while gaming, MangoHud has a new release up.
Showing 1 to 20 of 29 entries found.
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