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Linux Mint want to remind you to run updates
28 February 2021 at 3:28 pm UTC

Turns out I have set up Mint for someone inexperienced. I believe I'm remembering correctly that I turned on automatic security updates. It's worth checking out next time I'm over there. I also don't remember what release they're on. It's been a while now... but I'm thinking it's 19.x

Terraria for Google Stadia is surprisingly back on and going through certification
28 February 2021 at 2:37 pm UTC Likes: 2

I'm not surprised to see this news at all, however I'm actually a little disappointed. How can you continue to work with a company that controls all your assets and is unreachable? I don't get it.

WW2 Co-op FPS Projekt Z shows off more impressive progress
21 February 2021 at 5:34 am UTC

I got tired of WW2 games a long time ago. Zombies are boring to me too. BUT I am dying for a good shooter on Linux with good graphics that I can play with my friends, be it co-op or team-based multiplayer. Remember Rainbow Six? SWAT 4? Insurgency (old now)? The Battlefield series? Games like that are still weak in the Linux market. This Projekt Z wouldn't be interesting to me if I had more choices, but since I don't, I'll be watching for its release.

Valve & Netflix teamed up for a Dota anime series
21 February 2021 at 4:55 am UTC

Quoting: Salvatos
Quoting: NezchanWow.

All the characters they could have picked, there's what, 120 of them? Almost all with amazing, visually impressive designs and costumes, flashy abilities and compelling backstories, and this is what they picked? A generic looking human warrior whose outfit is mainly brown?

Gonna have to agree on this. Plus their one-liner synopsis is the most non-descript and cliché I’ve seen in a long time. "Warrior dude wants to be a hero, unexpectedly teams up with princess who is more than she appears, gets more than he bargained for." I’ll go out on a limb and guess that the dragons he used to fight aren’t as evil as he thought, the princess has a quirky pet for comedic relief and, I don’t know, the order he works for is actually behind the scourge somehow.
You must play Fire Emblem games.

About the OP, I will watch it if it's still on Netflix when The Witcher season 2 is out (because that's when I'll subscribe again).

Viking strategy game Northgard releases the free Expeditions expansion
21 February 2021 at 4:51 am UTC

I like this game but my friend and I are stuck. We have failed about three times on a certain level that is pretty early on. The first co-op level? Hopefully we get the gumption to look up some hints and try again, otherwise I fear it will collect a lot of digital dust, and that would be disappointing.

Terraria for Stadia cancelled, due to Google locking the developer out
13 February 2021 at 4:14 pm UTC Likes: 1

The Terraria story really broke my trust in how Google handles their accounts, and so being a pro-privacy person is not the only reason I will avoid Google anymore. I deleted nearly all my YouTube videos the other day going back ten years and I am going to find a new domain registrar. After that, I will have no accounts with them that hold value.

For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack out now
13 February 2021 at 4:00 pm UTC

It is not "hard-as-nails" nor "deep roleplaying" as they say. But that doesn't mean it's not fun. I really like For The King. I like it because it's not Dark Souls (hard as nails) and it's not Divinity Original Sin 2 (deep roleplaying). It's on the light side of role-playing, and difficulty is more or less up to you as you choose which battles to engage. That makes it different than my more challenging and demanding games. It is much more delightful and you walk away in more of a happy mood than a tired-yet-triumphant mood. So I really recommend For The King for when you're in a lighter mood.

System76 tease shots of their custom Keyboard and release the source code
13 February 2021 at 3:49 pm UTC

Quoting: minkiu
Quoting: ArehandoroHope they release a nice keyboard. Unfortunately, since I learned from the ZSA Moonlander my eyes can't look anywhere else: https://www.zsa.io/moonlander/

However, my wallet is looking everywhere else.

I am in the exact same situation :D

I wasn't before, but maybe I am now!

I'm using a sweet K65 RGB. What's weird is I type the fastest when leaning back in my chair. The angle of my arms and wrists are more relaxed and less curved that way, and I can type quite smoothly and quickly. When I sit up straight, my typing is like listening to steps. I am a tall person. I'm starting to think I could improve my comfort and enjoyment of typing.

Steam Play Proton 5.13-6 is now officially out
13 February 2021 at 3:01 pm UTC

The Cyberpunk 2077 fix affects me and I'm really happy to see that released!

I'm also very happily surprised that they fixed in-game voice chat in Deep Rock! I had settled with the idea that that would never happen. This will greatly improve playing with randos.